Thursday, December 6, 2012

NASA lost, has no direction says National Academy of Sciences panel-AP

12/5/12, "Stinging report says NASA lost, lacks real sense of direction," AP, Seth Borenstein

"NASA, the agency that epitomized the "Right Stuff," looks lost in space and doesn't have a clear sense of where it is going, an independent panel of science and engineering experts said in a stinging report Wednesday.

The report by a panel of the distinguished National Academy of Sciences doesn't blame the space agency; it faults the president, Congress and the nation for not giving NASA better direction. At the same time, it said NASA is doing little to further the White House's goal of sending astronauts to an asteroid.

In one withering passage, the panel said NASA's mission and vision statements are so vague and "generic" that they "could apply to almost any government research and development agency, omitting even the worlds 'aeronautics' or 'space.'"...

NAS Report


11/14/12, NASA Suffers “Large” Data Breach Affecting Employees, Contractors, and Others,, R. Charette


3/2/12, NASA says it was hacked 13 times last year,” Reuters


11/15/12, “NASA to encrypt data after its latest laptop loss,” BBC


2/16/10, NASA plans more outreach to Muslim countries,” Orlando Sentinel, M. Matthews


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