Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Obama forces off duty police to clean up litter left at illegal immigrant rally also attended by democrat US congress members at National Mall during alleged gov. 'shutdown'

10/8/13, "Dem. Congressmen, Amnesty activists arrested in immigration protests," Breitbart, M. Boyle

10/8/13, Off duty police cleaning up litter left at rally by illegal immigrants and US congresspersons on National Mall during alleged gov. 'shutdown', Breitbart photo


Dem Congressmen, Amnesty Activists Arrested in Immigration Protest - See more at: http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2013/10/08/Democratic-congressmen-amnesty-activists-get-arrested-in-immigration-protest#sthash.gkXFsQJR.dpuf
Dem Congressmen, Amnesty Activists Arrested in Immigration Protest - See more at: http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2013/10/08/Democratic-congressmen-amnesty-activists-get-arrested-in-immigration-protest#sthash.gkXFsQJR.dpuf
Dem Congressmen, Amnesty Activists Arrested in Immigration Protest - See more at: http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2013/10/08/Democratic-congressmen-amnesty-activists-get-arrested-in-immigration-protest#sthash.gkXFsQJR.dpuf

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