Monday, October 28, 2013

Obama monitored 6o million Spanish calls in one month, asked Japan to help him bug China-BBC

10/28/13, "NSA 'monitored 60m Spanish calls in a month'," BBC

"A Japanese news agency says that the NSA asked the Japanese government in 2011 to help it monitor fibre-optic cables carrying personal data through Japan, to the Asia-Pacific region. 

The reports, carried by the Kyodo news agency, say that this was intended to allow the US to spy on China - but Japan refused, citing legal restrictions and a shortage of personnel.

The White House has so far declined to comment on Monday's claims about US spying in Spain, published in the newspapers El Pais and El Mundo.

It is alleged that the NSA tracked millions of phone calls, texts and emails from Spanish citizens between 10 December 2012 and 8 January this year."...


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