Monday, October 7, 2013

Massive open borders rally approved for National Mall in Washington, DC Tues. during ‘shutdown.’ More proof the hateful GOP has joined Democrat 1-party dictatorship and thrown US in the toilet. Billionaires aim to silence voters, target 40 House GOP

2/20/13,As Country Club Republicans Link Up With The Democratic Ruling Class, Millions Of Voters Are Orphaned, Angelo Codevilla, Forbes


10/7/13, “Obama Admin Will Allow Amnesty Rally on National Mall During Gov’t Shutdown,Breitbart, Tony Lee

The Obama administration will allow a massive rally for comprehensive immigration reform on Tuesday in Washington, D.C. on the National Mall, even though it is supposed to be closed due to the federal government shutdown.

Open-air spaces like the World War II Memorial have been barricaded since the federal government shut down last week, but an organizer for the rally told the Washington Examiner that the National Park Service will allow the rally and march.

As Breitbart News reported, immigration activists have called for volunteers to get themselves arrested at the rally in acts of civil disobedience.

The event will be a culmination of rallies across the country over the weekend in which immigration activists demonstrated in 41 states demanding amnesty.

A variety of immigration activist organizations, along with the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and the AFL-CIO, are organizing the event, which they claim will attract 10,000 people.

Lawmakers in Congress like House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (R-CA) and Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) are expected to be at the event. Members of the House are trying to pass immigration reform bills that will allow them to go to conference with the Senate, which passed its comprehensive immigration bill in June that provided a pathway to citizenship for all of the country’s illegal immigrants. 

The Congressional Budget Office determined that bill would reduce the wages of working class Americans while not solving the country’s illegal immigration problem. 

House Republicans have been reportedly working under the radar on immigration reform, and Pelosi has said Democrats are willing to do “whatever it takes” to get to conference with the Senate. House Republican leaders have also expressed support in moving immigration reform legislation forward. Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers, who is the chairwoman of the House Republican conference, told Univision’s Al Punto on Sunday that “there’s still time” for immigration reform and that it is a “priority” for Republicans.

“We must pass immigration reform,” McMorris Rodgers said

A spokesman for House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) indicated that immigration reform will be next on the House’s agenda after the shutdown and the debt ceiling debates are resolved.” via Free Republic


Hateful billionaires like Bloomberg and Rupert Murdoch spend to silence ordinary American voters, target 40 House GOP:

10/7/13, "Behind the scenes, business leaders press for immigration overhaul," McClatchy, Franco Ordonez

"The well-organized groups are led by some of the biggest names in business, such as New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg. They’ve set their sights on GOP lawmakers from Southern states like North Carolina, Texas and Florida, and have recruited local business leaders and chambers of commerce to deliver a unified message that immigration legislation is crucial to the success of local economies.

They see a potential window of opportunity opening at the end of the month to reignite talks. They’ve been quietly laying the groundwork for months, holding backroom meetings and round table discussions with interest groups, and sending lobbyists to lawmakers’ offices armed with the latest studies showing the potential impacts on farmers and manufacturing if an immigration overhaul stalls. 

The high-wattage names involved go beyond Bloomberg and Zuckerberg. Partnership for a New American Economy, led by Bloomberg, also includes Steve Ballmer of Microsoft, Rupert Murdoch of News Corp., and Bill Marriott of Marriott hotels. Zuckerberg’s group,, includes Napster co-founder Sean Parker and LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman.

Zuckerberg told members of Congress recently that he plans to spend $50 million on advertisements supporting members of Congress who back an immigration overhaul and pressuring others who may be on the fence. 

It’s part of a campaign blitz by supporters of a comprehensive immigration legislation launching this month that will include rallies and television spots and that will culminate with an Oct. 28 business summit in Washington, D.C., that is expected to attract hundreds of business leaders from around the country.

About 40 House Republicans have been identified as influential voices of the House’s conservative wing who can help convince the leadership to bring immigration legislation to a vote. 

They are largely part of an increasingly influential freshman and sophomore class of House Republicans that has pushed toward more conservative positions. But they’re also seen as movable on immigration because they represent districts with large technology, agriculture and/or manufacturing sectors – industries solidly behind an overhaul of the system.

Those representatives include North Carolina Reps. Renee Ellmers, Richard Hudson and George Holding, Florida Rep. Steve Southerland and South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy, chairman of the House’s immigration subcommittee. 

Jeremy Robbins is a policy adviser for Bloomberg and director of Bloomberg’s Partnership for a New American Economy coalition. He said the group’s strategy for getting House leadership to move a bill forward is not to target the easiest votes, but the hardest ones. And those pushing against House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, on many issues are these freshman and sophomore lawmakers who represent the conservative wing of the party. 

“If you want to move Boehner, the way to do it is you move the people who he is being responsive too,” Robbins said. 

If Ellmers is any indication, the strategy may be working. Ellmers, who’s in her second term and last year opposed President Barack Obama’s executive order blocking deportations of undocumented youth, sent a letter last month to House leadership in support of an immigration overhaul. 

Doing nothing, she said, will cause economic harm to North Carolina’s farmers and its hospitality and high tech industries. She says this is not a so-called “path to citizenship,” buzzwords that those on the right associate with “amnesty.” But she also says that those who receive legal status should not be barred from ever being citizens. 

“I’ll admit I’ve gotten misinformation, and a lot of it has been messaging and not being able to articulate what it is that we’re looking forward to,” she said in an interview. “Border security is paramount, but there is so much more to that.”

The immigration debate that raged over the summer fizzled as Congress became consumed with the crisis in Syria, a showdown over funding the government and the looming debt ceiling fight. But the persistent pressure by business leaders, and the responsiveness of Ellmers and other Republicans who have indicated new support for immigration legislation, is a sign that an overhaul still has a chance in the House....

Those opposed to the Senate proposal pressed back, charging these business leaders with acting in opposition to what’s best for American workers. Alabama Republican Sen. Jeff Sessions, one of the staunchest opponents to the Senate bill, said businesses are pushing a plan that would open the doors to more immigrant labor and make it even tougher for unemployed Americans to get back to work.

“This is the last thing we need in a time of low wages and high unemployment,” Sessions said. “The result would be a further lowering of the wages and job prospects for already-struggling workers. These groups are pushing their public officials to advance their agenda.”

The most contentious issue between Republicans and Democrats is the so-called pathway to citizenship for those who came here illegally. The Senate includes a pathway to citizenship in its bill, but many House Republicans see it as a form of amnesty.

“It goes to the root of their crime,” Holding said. “That’s why the punishment is appropriate that they should never become citizens.”"...


Comment: Great job, Bush crowd and Fox News!!! How about all that power and hate!


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