Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Obama is free to force elderly people on bus tour of national sights to be restrained by armed park rangers because he knows the GOP won't stop him

10/8/13, "Tour guide accuses Yellowstone Park Rangers of "Gestapo tactics,"" Legal Insurrection

American and foreign tourists on bus tour were restrained in hotel by armed park rangers, not allowed to step off the bus and look at the view.  


Comment: This is the GOP's fault. Obama knows he can treat the weakest and oldest the most viciously and no one will do anything about it. The GOP's only job is to protect their pal Obama.

Foreign tourists locked in hotel under armed guard thought they were under arrest. - See more at:
Tour Guide accuses Yellowstone Park Rangers of “Gestapo tactics” - See more at:
Tour Guide accuses Yellowstone Park Rangers of “Gestapo tactics” - See more at:

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