Saturday, October 5, 2013

Billionaire funded radical left in and around gov. aims to destroy Oregon economy and jobs by preventing building of 3 ports

"The Pacific Northwest is proposing to build three port facilities to export coal and other commodities. These projects will bring tens of millions of jobs to our region and employ thousands of people. Unfortunately, national anti-coal campaigns funded by climate change activists are trying to stop this investment. Governors Kitzhaber and Inslee are propping up President Obama’s war on coal by insisting that the projects clear unprecedented regulatory hurdles. Climate change activists will be busing people in from all over the Pacific Northwest for a hearing on the Longview export facility, scheduled for Wednesday October 9th at 5pm at the Clark County Fairgrounds in Ridgefield, Washington.

The Millennium Terminal has been under review for 19 months already. To protect our economy, the state must commit to advancing trade investments and finalizing the review of these projects in a timely manner.  The type of environmentalist over-regulation that destroyed Oregon’s timber industry is now being tried on Oregon’s port industry to stop coal and other natural resources.

If you would like to attend this hearing and express your support for these projects, you can RSVP here." via Free Republic. image above of David Rockefeller via Forbes


It's not a 'conspiracy theory' if it has already happened:

"The First Global Revolution," The Club of Rome, 1993

page 75, "The Common Enemy of Humanity is Man"

"In search of a common enemy against whom we can unite, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine, and the like, would fit the bill."...


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