Saturday, March 1, 2014

CNN journalist Lemon: 'You weigh how much you should criticize the President because he's Black'

2/28/14, "From Don Lemon, Everything You Need to Know About How the Left Looks at Obama," Rush Limbaugh

"RUSH: To the audio sound bites. President Obama, ladies and gentlemen, has launched his "personal" My Brother's Keeper program for minority kids, right?  Primarily.  Black and Hispanic boys, men, right....We have a montage of this to show you how the media's reacting to this, the Drive-By Media soap opera. Obama launches My Brother's Keeper Program, except when it comes to his own personal brothers.  Here's a media montage of the announcement and the breathless excitement...

George Obama, CNN
WOLF BLITZER: (music) Emotion running deep at the White House as President Obama launches his most personal program.

NORAH O'DONNELL: President Obama (music starts) touches on a very personal issue.

SHEPARD SMITH: Calls this issue (b-roll noise) deeply personal.

ANDERSON COOPER: President Obama was emotional, passionate, deeply personal. 

DON LEMON: What is a very personal cause.

DIANE SAWYER: The president talked about something very personal.

CHRISTI PAUL: A personal message to teens.

JOHN BERMAN:  In surprisingly personal terms.

BRIAN WILLIAMS: A personal and emotional event at the White House for the president today.

RUSH: Here we go again. It's gravitas all over again, every media person describing this identically: "Deeply personal event! Surprisingly personal! Very personal cause, emotion, passionate, deeply personal." What's deeply personal about it?  There's nothing deeply personal. He does not have a son. He's got a composite son, Trayvon Martin, a virtual son.  What's deeply personal?  He's got a brother that he doesn't keep [in a hut in Africa].  Don Lemon, anchor at CNN last night on a CNN program.  This is after Obama had announced it...

Left, CNN Anchor Lemon
LEMON:  As journalists, you know, you weigh whether you -- how much you should criticize the president, because he's black, what have you. But then you have to do it, because ultimately you're a journalist.

RUSH:  What?  What in...? How did that get in here?  Don Lemon says you weigh as a journalist whether you could criticize Obama because he's black, as you announce the My Brother's Keeper Program?  Play that again. This kind of snuck in there. I mean, even these sound bites are sneaking in now to the roster. Listen to this. (replaying of sound bite)... Well, he says here, "As journalists, you know, you weigh whether you -- how much you should criticize the president, because he's black..."  Why does that even matter?  See, this is the point. The president's race handcuffs everybody, not just journalists. Republicans, everybody, are scared to death to be critical of even his policy 'cause he's black -- and here's Don Lemon admitting:

"As journalists, you know, you weigh whether you -- how much you should criticize the president, because he's black, what have you. But then you have to do it, because ultimately you're a journalist."

Yeah, well, when are you going to start this criticism?  'Cause, frankly, there isn't any, Mr. Lemon."... Obama-Lemon images from



2/28/14, "CNN journalist admits Obama racial double standard on air," Thomas Lifson, American Thinker

"Kudos to Don Lemon, the CNN journalist, for admitting what conservatives have maintained ever since Barack Obama became president with unquestioning media support and suppression of any [criticism] as racist:

As a journalist, you weigh how much you should criticize the president because he’s black.”"....


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