5/3/13, "Newsbytes: Climate Sceptics Win Rocks Britain’s Political Landscape," WUWT, Anthony Watts
5/3/13, "The old order is dying. We are living in the age of Farage," UK Telegraph, James Delingpole
"And as to why this nearly wasn’t allowed to happen, I recommend this equally incisive analysis of the hard-Left propaganda techniques which have recently been deployed against Ukip. As Margaret Thatcher (not her real name, I suspect) notes in her article, the cheap shot smear techniques which have been used in this election campaign, are straight out of Saul Alinsky’s Rules For Radicals.
I have seen members of UKIP isolated this way on Twitter. The Attack Dogs cut off the support network by throwing standard accusations out, other members, frightened to be tarred with the non-existent brush remove themselves from debate. The attack dogs have then isolated their target.I've seen it too. Experienced it as well. It's horrible and frightening and can all too easily sap your will to go on. But we need to realise – what indeed we are beginning to realise – is that there's always a defence against the dark arts. My solution, in this case, is a very simple one: let frankness and fearlessness be your guides. It applies across the board....Don't apologise...
The attackers go after people and not the party; people hurt faster than institutions. Direct, personalised criticism and ridicule works. It is cruel, but very effective.
The Big Three political parties are worried about UKIP. If they weren’t they wouldn’t set their attack dogs to savage the aspiring politicians and the yet to mature new boy on the party political scene.
Local election candidate harassed because of a piss-taking mock-up of himself at a rally with Hitler? Don't apologise, explain that this what a joke looks like – and then enjoy the writhings of the old order as they seem themselves so brutally wrong-footed.
The time for apologising for things we haven't done wrong is over. Alinsky, you are so 1970s. We're living in the age of Farage and, dare I say it, the Delingpole brothers. The old political order is dying on its feet. Viva la revolucion!"
5/3/13, "UK PM Cameron ponders UKIP threat after local elections," euronews. image from euronews
Commenter John Law: "UKIP policy is the Green policy. It intends to stop the destruction of much of the beautiful British countryside and seascapes and instead develop clean natural gas and nuclear energy and ironically produce a real and large reduction in CO2 generation."....
5/3/13, "Ukip shocks Lib Dems with win in Yeovil heartland," UK Guardian
"Liberal Democrats blame central government cuts as seat on Somerset county council goes to Ukip."
Saul Alinsky praised ridicule as "man's most potent weapon."
Ridicule is used by people who can't win with facts, can only win by silencing dissent. Ridicule works, it's why Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert are rich:
9/16/12, "22 TV Stars With Absurdly Large Paychecks, Ranked," businessinsider.com
7. "Jon Stewart, $16 million"
"Stephen Colbert earns a third of what the "The Daily Show" host receives annually.
Last May, Stewart's Comedy Central show pulled in higher ratings than all of Fox News."
Jon Stewart's net worth is estimated to be $80 million.
In June 2012, a humiliated North Carolina lawmaker said ridicule by a national left wing cable tv comedy show caused embarrassment so painful that it should cause the state legislature to vote the way the national comedy show wanted:
6/13/12, "Senate approves sea level measure," Carteret County News-Times, carolinacoastline.com, staff and wire reports, Raleigh
"The bill has thrust the legislature into the national spotlight and was recently mocked by comedian Stephen Colbert....
“This bill has made us the laughingstock of the country,” said Senate Minority Leader Martin Nesbitt, D-Buncombe. “We’ve been on Stephen Colbert’s comedy show.”"
If the left experiences ridicule at all it's in token doses. No real damage will be done because chief ridiculers stand heart and soul with all powerful government against the people. No chance Obama has to worry about ridicule for his actions:
US ‘climate action’ in Nov. 2012 included giving $6 billion US taxpayer dollars for ‘clean energy’ to the Sultan of Brunei who owns 5000+ cars and to the Pres. of Indonesia, whose country is so corrupt even the World Bank says crime adds 20% to costs.
Below, one of the Sultan of Brunei’s cars:
7/24/12, “The Sultan’s Cars,” wheel to wheel blog
Today it's considered cool and hip not to care. Passivity was a prerequisite to transforming the most advanced civilization in human history into a quivering puddle. Free speech? Never heard of it.
A 2012 rare attempt to ensure legitimate Florida voter rolls is mocked by a comedy show. The mockery makes headlines, is treated as big news, media wonders if ridicule will force a governor to change his behavior:
6/13/12, “The morning after getting mocked on Daily Show, Gov. Scott all smiles,“ Tampa Bay Times (formerly St. Petersburg Times), The Buzz
“People have died for the right to vote,” (Fla. Gov.) Scott said. “We have fought wars for the right to vote. It’s very important that your vote doesn’t get diluted...I have to defend the rights of voters. I have no choice.”"
Daily Show thinks Fla. voter rolls and people who died to protect them are hilarious.
1000+ people voted twice in Florida in 2000. How funny would it be to Jon Stewart if all the double voters were Republican?
10/28/2004, “People Who Vote Twice,“ Slate, Bill Gifford
In mid 2004 newspapers found at least 1000 people voted twice in the 2000 national election, once in Florida and once in another state. 100,000+ were registered to do so. The reports only looked at 3 states v Fla. so there were likely many more.
Jon Stewart must think it’s a real laugh how children are brutalized by Islam:
2009-2010, “CAIR Islamophobia Report”
Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert are thanked by Muslim group CAIR for advancing Islam in the US by use of comedy. p. 6, Executive Summary, “Islamophobia and its impact in the United States,” CAIR, 2009-2010
Page 13:

page 14, Colbert:
“Stephen Colbert and The Colbert Report”
contributions to highlighting and
Ed. note: So those who correctly fear shariah law are mocked into silence. Once championed by the left, 'Freedom of Speech' is no longer mentioned.
10/30/10, Left wing comedy show hosts Stewart and Colbert hold Ridicule Rally in DC. “Disguised as just good fun amid the backdrop of the nation’s capital, the real purpose of the Rally to Restore Sanity/Keep Fear Alive, is to heap ridicule upon the millions of concerned Americans rising up to oppose the out-of-control liberalism of President Obama and his Democratic fellow travelers in Congress." (The GOP has joined with Obama. The only thing the GOP wants is for us to shut up.)
photo above, Martin, Wash. Times. "By making a joke of this legacy at this location, Mr. Stewart and Mr. Colbert and their followers likewise denigrated the honor, virtue and self-sacrifice associated with the place."...
8/14/12, Stewart Knocks Right for Freaking Out Over ‘Obamacare’ Increasing Pizza Prices | Video Cafe
“STEWART: Yeah, that’s why they watch Fox. You know why? Because it’s so much easier than literally sticking your head up your own ass to shut out reality. So to summarize, the pizza costs a little more, but in return, everyone gets health insurance, outrageous! But if it costs a lot more because human activity is burning our planet to an uninhabitable husk… ahhh… what the f**k.“8/15/12, Jon Stewart Takes on Papa John’s Obamacare Pizza Pricing – Video Interlude – Eater National
- “[Stewart] maybe the price of pizza is going up because of “this summer’s crop killing, earth scorching, drought of biblical proportions.”“
7/28/12, "For people who base their claim to world leadership on their superior understanding of the dynamics of complex systems, greens prove over and over again that they are surprisingly naive and crude in their ability to model and to shape the behavior of the political and economic systems they seek to control. If their understanding of the future of the earth’s climate is anything like as wish-driven, fact-averse and intellectually crude as their approach to international affairs, democratic politics and the energy market, the greens are in trouble indeed....
Perhaps, and I know this is a heretical thought, but perhaps Gaia is smarter than the greens."
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