5/20/13, "Call Out the Climate Change Deniers," BarackObama.com
"Climate change is real, it's caused largely by human activities, and it poses significant risks for our health. Some members of Congress disagree with this simple, scientifically proven fact. We need to work to curb climate change, and a big step is to raise our voices to change the conversation in Washington. Call these deniers out. Hold them accountable. Ask them if they will admit climate change is a problem.
We will continue updating the list below as supporters get
answers to the basic question of whether their representatives in
Congress accept the science on climate change. We hope that this list
will shrink as members clarify what they truly believe about climate
Deniers in the House."...
Overwhelming scientific consensus says global warming has paused:
1/18/13, “Climate change: scientists puzzle over halt in global warming,” Der Spiegel, by Axel Bojanowski (translation from German by google). Chart below by UK Met Office, via Der Spiegel:
1/18/13, “Climate change: scientists puzzle over halt in global warming,” Der Spiegel, by Axel Bojanowski (translation from German by google). Chart below by UK Met Office, via Der Spiegel:
CO2 is rising but temperatures are not. The entire trillion dollar "climate" industry is perched on the hope that excess human CO2 causes temperatures to rise, but it isn't so:
CO2 is rising but temperatures are not. The entire trillion dollar "climate" industry is perched on the hope that excess human CO2 causes temperatures to rise, but it isn't so:
3/30/13, "A sensitive matter," The Economist
"Over the past 15 years air temperatures at the Earth’s surface have been flat while greenhouse-gas emissions have continued to soar. The world added roughly 100 billion tonnes of carbon to the atmosphere between 2000 and 2010. That is about a quarter of all the CO₂ put there by humanity since 1750. And yet, as James Hansen, the head of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, observes, “the five-year mean global temperature
has been flat for a decade.”
Temperatures fluctuate over short periods, but this lack of new warming is a surprise. Ed Hawkins, of the University of Reading, in Britain, points out that surface temperatures since 2005 are already at the low end of the range of projections derived from 20 climate models (see chart 1). If they remain flat, they will fall outside the models’ range within a few years.
The mismatch between rising greenhouse-gas emissions and not-rising temperatures is among the biggest puzzles in climate science just now."...
Chart from The Economist
US leads the world in CO2 reduction:
6/4/12, "Climate change stunner: USA leads world in CO2 cuts since 2006," Vancouver Observer, Saxifrage
"Not only that, but as my top chart shows, US CO2 emissions are falling even faster than what President Obama pledged in the global Copenhagen Accord....Here is the biggest shocker of all: the average American's CO2 emissions are down to levels not seen since 1964 -- over half a century ago.... It is exactly America's historical role of biggest and dirtiest that makes their sharp decline in CO2 pollution so noteworthy and potentially game changing at the global level."...
News of US CO2 plunge has been described as:
- “Surprising,“
- “little noticed,“
- “dramatic,“
- “stunner,“
- “most people are surprised to learn,“
- “quiet but tremendous progress,”
- “major long term implications,”
- “game changing,”
- “shocker,”
- “huge contrast to the forecast.”
Grist author thinks few talk about plunging US CO2 emissions because causes seen as negative for Obama, such as natural gas fracking, the recession, and harsh EPA regulations:
7/17/12, "U.S. leads the world in cutting CO2 emissions — so why aren’t we talking about it?" Grist, David Roberts
"Contrary to popular belief, the U.S. is making progress on climate change.
We have cut our carbon emissions more than any other country in the world in recent years — 7.7 percent since 2006. U.S. emissions fell 1.9 percent last year and are projected to fall 1.9 percent again this year...
Why isn’t this extraordinary story a bigger deal in U.S. politics? You’d think Obama would be boasting about it! Turns out, though, it’s a little awkward for him, since several of the drivers responsible are things for which
he can’t (or might not want to) take credit."...
Obama himself said on 8/28/12 that US CO2 emissions have plunged in past 20 years so he knows the truth. Almost no one knows he admitted it and it would be brushed off or minimized anyway because the US no longer has a 2 party system. Meaning the people have no one:
8/28/12, Pres. Obama at Iowa State: "We’re on track to emit fewer greenhouse gases this year than we have in nearly 20 years. You can keep those trends going."
The NY Times noted Obama's statement:
8/28/12, NY Times, "He did not note the role of the recession, with its attendant drop in manufacturing and car and truck trips."
Citation for 20 year US CO2 drop:
8/16/12, "AP IMPACT: CO2 emissions in US drop to 20-year low," AP, Kevin Begos
"In a surprising turnaround, the amount of carbon dioxide being released into the atmosphere in the U.S. has fallen dramatically to its lowest level in 20 years."... and government officials say the biggest reason is that cheap and plentiful natural gas has led many power plant operators to switch from dirtier-burning coal."...
May 2012 Washington Post citation about China CO2, China's increasing emissions render US reductions meaningless globally:
5/25/12, "U.S. cut its carbon emissions in 2011 — but China erased the gains," Washington Post, Brad Plumer
"Yes, it’s true: Americans are slowly starting to tackle global warming. U.S. carbon emissions dropped 1.7 percent last year, according to the International Energy Agency. But that only went so far. Thanks to China’s fast growth, the world’s greenhouse-gas emissions hit record highs in 2011....
China was the biggest contributor, with carbon dioxide output growing 9.3 percent — thanks in large part to a rise in coal consumption."...
China emitted 4 billion tons more CO2 than the US in 2011, per AP:
12/2/12, "Carbon pollution up to 2 million pounds per second," AP, Seth Borenstein
"The overwhelming majority of the increase (in 2011) was from China, the world’s biggest carbon dioxide polluter. Of the planet’s top 10 polluters, the United States and Germany were the only countries that reduced their carbon dioxide emissions....
The 2011 figures for the biggest polluters:
1. China, up 10 percent to 10 billion tons.
2. United States, down 2 percent to 5.9 billion tons
3. India, up 7 percent to 2.5 billion tons.
4. Russia, up 3 percent to 1.8 billion tons.
5. Japan, up 0.4 percent to 1.3 billion tons.
6. Germany, down 4 percent to 0.8 billion tons.
7. Iran, up 2 percent to 0.7 billion tons.
8. South Korea, up 4 percent to 0.6 billion tons.
9. Canada, up 2 percent to 0.6 billion tons.
10. South Africa, up 2 percent to 0.6 billion tons."
Obama takes personal charge of the "man caused global warming" crisis:
In November 2012, Obama took 'climate action' by giving $6 billion US taxpayer dollars to the Sultan of Brunei who owns 5000+ cars and to the Pres. of Indonesia, a country so corrupt even the World Bank says crime adds 20% to costs. Below, one of the Sultan's cars:
7/24/12, "The Sultan's Cars," wheel to wheel blog.
UN IPCC chief notes current 17 year pause in global warming:
2/21/13, "IPCC Head Pachauri Acknowledges Global Warming Standstill," The Australian, Graham Lloyd
"The UN’s climate change chief, Rajendra Pachauri, has acknowledged a 17-year pause in global temperature rises, confirmed recently by Britain’s Met Office, but said it would need to last “30 to 40 years at least” to break the long-term global warming trend."...
Yale 360 authors say US achieved climate results without cap and trade, that Germany increased its use of coal under EU's now failed cap and trade system:
2/27/12, “Beyond Cap and Trade: A New Path to Clean Energy” Yale 360, by Ted Nordhaus and Michael Shellenberger
And yet, the European Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), which has been in place for almost a decade now and has established carbon prices well above those that would have been established by the proposed U.S. system, has had no discernible impact on European emissions.
The carbon intensity of the European economy has not declined at all since the imposition of the ETS. Meanwhile green paragon Germany has embarked upon a coal-building binge under the auspices of the ETS, one that has accelerated since the Germans shut down their nuclear power plants. Even so, proponents of U.S. emissions limits maintain that legally binding carbon caps will provide certainty that emissions will go down in the future, whereas technology development and deployment — along with efforts to regulate conventional air pollutants — do not." ...
Global Warming ‘action’ was mandated and institutionalized in US government in 1990 by George Bush the 1st in the “U.S. Global Change Research Act of 1990.” CO2 reduction is mentioned near the end in Sec. 204, item 4.
Devoting 13 federal agencies to ‘climate’ matters is hardly lagging in “action.”
Trillions have been taken from US taxpayers for climate endeavors via agency budget allocations, tax subsidies, diversion of US military to climate or green projects, countless federal regulations, vast sums shipped out in no strings foreign aid for ‘climate’ capacity building, etc.
Other countries’ CO2 hasn’t dropped despite hundreds of billions spent on cap and trade and extra taxes. This isn’t to say the US government hasn’t become business partners with the ‘climate’ industry.
11/19/12, “More than 1,000 New Coal Plants Planned Worldwide,” UK Guardian, Damian Carrington
“India is planning 455 new plants compared to 363 in China, which is seeing a slowdown in its coal investments after a vast building program in the past decade.”…
“India is planning 455 new plants compared to 363 in China, which is seeing a slowdown in its coal investments after a vast building program in the past decade.”…
"China opens a new coal mine every week." VP Joe Biden
"[Q] You mentioned a carbon tax. Is the Obama administration going to follow the lead of China and propose such a policy?
[Biden] The truth is, right now, no, because we know it will go nowhere. Look, one of the things we are doing, and the president is asking me to kind of get ahead of here, is that we have a real chance, both in this hemisphere and with China, to enter into joint ventures on renewable energy and on cleaner-burning natural gas. Let me give you an example: The Chinese are building something like one new coal-fired plant a week – a week. So pick the biggest coal-fired plant you know around here that's spewing pollution, and they're building them every week, and they've been doing that for the last six or seven years."
[Biden] The truth is, right now, no, because we know it will go nowhere. Look, one of the things we are doing, and the president is asking me to kind of get ahead of here, is that we have a real chance, both in this hemisphere and with China, to enter into joint ventures on renewable energy and on cleaner-burning natural gas. Let me give you an example: The Chinese are building something like one new coal-fired plant a week – a week. So pick the biggest coal-fired plant you know around here that's spewing pollution, and they're building them every week, and they've been doing that for the last six or seven years."
.Obama sends billions overseas in no-strings "climate" aid while Americans are starving:
3/26/12, “Obama Requests $770 Million to Fight Global Warming Overseas,” CNS News, Matt Cover
“According to CRS, the government has spent a total of $2.5 billion on GCCI since 2010 on overseas anti-global warming efforts in Latin America, Asia, and Africa.”…
Even though the AP knows global warming doesn't exist, they say Obama can save the world from it:
. 1/18/13, "While his policies can lessen or worsen future projected global warming on a large scale," AP, Seth Borenstein, via CNS News
"Scientifically, the president doesn't have control of day-to-day weather. While his policies can lessen or worsen future projected global warming on a large scale, they cannot do anything about Washington's daily temperature on Jan. 21."...
US taxpayers spent $10 million a day on "climate change" in 2011 alone. But it's nowhere near enough for Obama and the genocidal billionaires in charge of this country:
1/15/11, In 2011 alone the US government diverted "$10.6 million (taxpayer dollars) a day to study, combat, and educate about climate change."...
1/15/2011, "How Much of Your Money Wasted on ‘Climate Change’? Try $10.6 Million a Day," Art Horn PJ Media. via Junk Science
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