Sunday, May 6, 2012

Scientist ignores science that CO2 doesn't cause temp. increase, parrots CO2 trading profiteer Maurice Strong that national sovereignties must end

5/1/12, "Global Warming: New Research Blames Economic Growth," Science Daily
  • Maurice Strong: "It is simply not feasible for sovereignty to be exercised unilaterally by individual nation-states."
5/6/12, "Warmist “scientists” claim permanent recession needed to tackle threat of global warming," Haunting the Library

"Who would have thought it? Warmist “scientists” have published a study claiming that in order to prevent catastrophic global warming we need permanent deep recession:

“If ‘business as usual’ conditions continue, economic contractions the size of the Great Recession or even bigger will be needed to reduce atmospheric levels of CO2,”

Science Daily – "Global Warming: New Research Blames Economic Growth," 5/1/12

So rather than trying to restart the economy, and create jobs, put money in people’s pockets, and stimulate growth, we should be hoping and praying for never-ending depression? Well, not quite. The study stops short of making concrete recommendations, but it is insistent that “enormous changes” need to be made to the way the world and it’s economy are run.:

To break the economic habits contributing to a rise in atmospheric CO2 levels and global warming, Tapia Granados says that societies around the world would need to make enormous changes.

Granados doesn’t say in the study what sort of changes to the world economy that he believes is needed. But he does elsewhere. As, for example, in the online Marxist magazine, The Monthly Review. There he argues that the current capitalist system “has to die to allow for human progress such as dealing with supra-national issues such as global warming. Threats such as these are so serious, he believes, that not only capitalism, but also national government must go. Only world socialism, it seems, can save us:

capitalism will have to disappear to allow for a system more in agreement with the present stage of human civilization. That stage has led us to form a global society in which national states and governments have become historical relics, increasingly unable to cope with worldwide problems that require worldwide solutions.

Monthly Review: "Green Shoots, Profits, and Great Depressions," 10/11/09

So there you have it. Capitalism and national government both have to go. Strange how “the science” of global warming always seems to end up “demanding” that world socialism is implemented immediately, isn’t it?"


10/11/09, "Green Shoots, Profits, and Great Depressions (or Recessions),", José A. Tapia Granados


1997, "Maurice Strong: The New guy in Your Future!" by Henry Lamb


"Nigel Purvis, a State Department official under the Clinton and Bush administrations, said...the (global warming issue is) a collection of “toxic” ingredients.

“There are three issues

  • constraining industry,
  • sending money abroad, and
  • strengthening the UN –
that are inflammatory on their own right,”

Nigel Purvis, now the president of the Climate Advisers* consultancy in Washington."...

"In 2008, Mr. Purvis served as a senior adviser on climate diplomacy to the Obama-Biden campaign." He is founder and president of Climate Advisers.


3 top UN 'climate' officials freely admit it isn't about climate, it's about transferring US taxpayer money to the UN. Such money may go to 'the poor' or not, there's no way of knowing since all US taxpayer money diverted to the UN is "no strings:"

Do UN "agencies have immunity "if they siphon (their U.S. grants) all off

  • into Swiss banks? Is that accurate?

They will be totally immune, no matter what they do with the money?" "My understanding is, yes," Gambatesa replied." (item near end)...

"Federal prosecutors in New York City were forced to drop criminal and civil cases because the U.N. officials have immunity,"...

4/16/09, "Report: U.N. spent U.S. funds on shoddy projects," USA Today, Ken Dilanian


12/13/10, "‘Perverse’ CO2 Payments Send Flood of Money to China," by Mark Schapiro, Yale Environment 360


China is the most sophisticated player, and they have figured out how to manipulate the baseline to generate as many credits as possible with the least amount of effort,” said Professor David G. Victor, director of the Laboratory on International Law and Regulation at the University of California, San Diego....The corruption- and fraud-prone carbon market. The World Bank runs $2.5 billion in carbon trading funds. "Nobody in that world is critical of the process because they are all making their living off it.”

10/12/10, "A carbon trading system draws environmental skeptics," NY Times, Patricia Brett


Goldman Sachs, Maurice Strong et al. thought "monetizing CO2" would be a good gimmick to return unsuspecting US taxpayers to subjugation and taxation not known since 1776.


4/29/12, "World Green Tourism Award,"

Maurice Strong is Senior Advisor to the 2012 Rio+20 Summit.


10/22/2008, "The U.N.'s Man of Mystery," Wall St. Journal, Claudia Rosett

Does Mr. (Maurice) Strong see any conflict in the fact that his signature U.N. product, the Kyoto treaty, grants big, profitable concessions to developing nations such as China -- and now here he is, involved in China's carbon trading and working as an adviser to the Chinese government? He replies that China when it signed on to Kyoto was not "the cause of the problem." He also says that his work for the Chinese government and universities is "all pro bono."

Asked whether he's involved in any private ventures these days, he says he was involved with the Chinese Chery Automobile Company, but as an adviser, not an investor, and he is now out of that. He says he's chairman of a company that's helping China earn emissions credits, the China Carbon Corporation. He's on the board of a U.S.-based engineering and construction firm CH2M Hill."...


People let these sociopath totalitarians ramble on and on about "taxing outer space:"

10/14/2009, "Maurice Strong’s Outlook on COP15 Climate Change Negotiations,"

(Maurice Strong): "Some of the measure which could contribute to this process would be the fees on the use of the global commons – the ocean, the atmosphere and outer space that are not under national jurisdiction, a Tobin-type tax on financial transactions, taxes on fossil fuels and other sources of emissions and by shifting subsidies from those substances and practices which contribute to climate change to those which contribute to the reduction of carbon emissions.

Developing countries must also be accorded expanded opportunities to earn credits by their ability to reduce emissions at much lower cost than can be achieved in more developed countries which will pay them for this....Our very existence is now at risk and its future is literally in our own hands."....


Banner from Bali Climate Conference in 2007.

12/8/2009, "Flashback to Bali: UN tactics to silence dissent," JoNova

"The UN are not trying to promote humanities search for knowledge, instead they exploit climate science as a tool to increase their own power. Once again the western media let down the public. The UN got away with being anti-science, and anti-free-speech." from JoNova via TomNelson

12,000 UN partiers at a tropical luxury spot for 2 entire weeks all at the expense of chump taxpayers. Just one of a constant stream of conventions UN parasites jet to while chumps who foot the bills are told to sit home and use video conferencing.


4/27/12, "Correlation between rising carbon dioxide levels and temperature over the past decade," ReasonableDoubtonClimateChange

"Yikes! It looks like there isn’t much of one. Temp is going straight down and CO2 continuing straight up!"


Just since 2010, $2.5 billion US taxpayer dollars have been diverted to foreign countries for "anti-global warming efforts" through one program, GCCI, Obama's 'Global Climate Change Initiative.'

3/26/12, "Obama Requests $770 Million to Fight Global Warming Overseas," CNS News, Matt Cover


2/26/12, "Rio+20 meets Agenda 21," WUWT, Willis Eschenbach

"Well, the rent-seekers, money-hungry NGO
s, grifters, post-normal “scientists”, con-men, Eurotrash, and the usual camp followers are gearing up again for another monumental waste of money. This time, it’s for the upcoming extravagarbonza, the new Rio+20 Climate Carnival.

The meeting features the usual dangerous bafflegab, which conceals wholesale theft under layers of rhetoric."...


1/3/12, "U.S. Taxpayers Cover Nearly Half the Cost of U.N.’s Global Warming Panel," CNS News, E. Harrington


After hearing a 'green fund' was fraudulent, people still wanted to donate to it--even in dire economic times. The reason: Green Guilt and Feeling Good:

7/30/2008, "Green Guilt," Capital Research Center, by Eric Heidenreich


Several million dollars in CO2 trades were illegally transacted in the EU system.

2/3/2010, "UniCredit Urges Carbon-Account Checks After EU Scam," Bloomberg


5/20/2009, "The Green Bubble," The New Republic, Nordhaus and Shellenberger

"Sometime after the release of An Inconvenient Truth in 2006, environmentalism crossed from political movement to cultural moment. Fortune 500 companies pledged to go carbon neutral. Seemingly every magazine in the country, including

Paris dimmed the lights on the Eiffel Tower. Solar investments became hot, even for oil companies. Evangelical ministers preached the gospel of "creation care." Even archconservative Newt Gingrich published a book demanding action on global warming.

Green had moved beyond politics."...

via Climate Depot

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