Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Local PBS radio host says US veterans who oppose Obama military policy are racists, NY Times reporter agrees that's somewhat true.

5/29/12, "David Sanger on Post-Memorial Day Politics," WNYC Radio, Brian Lehrer Show

In the 10AM hour WNYC's Brian Lehrer interviewed "David Sanger, chief Washington correspondent for The New York Times, WNYC contributor and author of the forthcoming book, Confront and Conceal: Obama's Secret Wars and Surprising Use of American Power." They discussed presidential politics. At about 10:20 Lehrer says a new Gallup poll is out showing Romney has a 20 point lead over Obama among US (military) veterans. He says to Sanger,
  • "Does that reflect (Romney's) military policy

Sanger answers it's "a little of both."


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