Monday, May 14, 2012

Global warming forced onto commenter's daughter in 4 different Ohio St. University liberal arts courses

5/14/12, "Truth in Labeling: Why Not Just Call The Media Democrats?" American Thinker, Michael Friedman

Among comments


"Re your second point: my daughter is a student at OSU. This year she had to study global warming built into not less than four subjects:
  • world history,
  • anthropology,
  • biology and
  • geography.
This is a clear illustration of the statement that a lie repeated over and over becomes the truth.

I went to school and university in a Communist country. We were indoctrinated alright but with a huge difference: no one dared to politicize sciences, not the exact and not the natural. We had our daily allotement of ideology but it was concentrated only in subjects like economics, scientific socialism, materialism, etc."


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