Sunday, May 8, 2011

Media anti-Palin hysteria just an 'overwhelm the system' job, hoping normal people will be so overwhelmed with the negativity they will give up

5/7/11, "MSM Uses Palin’s Own Children as Political Weapons Against Her," Big Government, John Nolte

"Why the Media Whips Up the Palin-Fury

Watching the MSM react to Governor Palin over the last few years has been an illuminating crash course in Alinsky 101. Like elite, elbow-patched community organizers, the media collectively targets, polarizes, demonizes and intentionally creates a perpetual storm of personal drama around the Governor in the hopes of exhausting even those of us who support her. I call it whipping up the Palin-Fury.

This is a common tactic from the Left, but one we usually see played out in the streets with the idea being to so toxify the atmosphere that decent people give up the fight and go home just to get away from the awfulness of it all. The last few months of ugly and relentless pro-union protests in Wisconsin — though a failure for the left — were a textbook example of this. However, when it comes to Governor Palin, what we’re seeing is this tactic practiced by almost

  • every so-called “objective” news outlet in America.

Unfortunately, though an important part of it, this goes beyond reporting everything Levi Johnston says and does. A more visceral example is what we saw unfold in the wake of those awful January murders in Tucson. While the country wanted to come together to mourn for the victims and an attack on our democracy, the craven MSM saw an opportunity. I don’t know of any decent person who didn’t sit back in horror as they watched our media attempt to lay an awful crime at the feet of a mother of five who was probably minding her own business at home in Wasilla at the time. Worse still, after days of demanding Palin tell us when she stopped beating her wife, the MSM then collectively mauled her for daring to speak out.

Again, this is all part of a coordinated political psy-ops tactic to program everyday people to wince every time Palin dares pop her head out of the ground. And in the case of Tucson, the MSM reached down and pulled her out against her will. No matter what it is, her wardrobe, a tanning bed, joke tweets sent from an aide’s personal twitter account, a two-year-old video of a turkey, her family, perceived mistakes or mispronounced words, to undercut Palin’s seriousness, this is always what the media intentionally explodes into their ongoing Palin-Fury narrative. Moreover, on top of exhausting us, the bonus effect of this Leftist tactic is to drown out Palin’s ideas, policies, and criticisms of Obama — all of which are fair game for criticism

  • but rarely rate serious consideration.

After all, one way to keep the Palin-Fury brewing is to never take her seriously. [ADDED: A perfect example that occurred just this week can be seen here.]

What we’re seeing at work here are the politics of personal destruction waged by the Left and their media allies in a way we haven’t since Clarence Thomas. However, unlike that reprehensible and racist campaign against another liberal apostate, the one against Palin has only intensified. For starters, she’s tougher and more resilient than any public figure in recent memory and secondly, her effect on the 2010 mid-term elections can’t be over-stated. To paraphrase Winston Churchill, Palin did her best while the media did their worst. Unfortunately, and as is always the case with the media, there is no bottom when it comes to their behavior and the dog-whistles I’m hearing tell me they’re gearing up to create a Palin-Fury unlike anything we’ve seen so far

And it all begins with Andrew Sullivan."...


The media always tells us. The one they fear and trash the most is the one we should vote for. ed.


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