Thursday, September 26, 2013

Ted Cruz on Mark Levin show, Call these GOP Senators and tell them to Vote No on Cloture Friday: McCain, McConnell, Chambliss, Isakson, Blunt, Coburn, Coats, Thune, Corker, Cornyn, Hatch, Graham. Tell them to represent their constituents.

GOP Senator Whip List, Don', scroll down for list of names and their position on cloture:

These GOP Senators at the moment stand with Obama and not their constituents:

McCain, McConnell, Chambliss, Isakson, Coats, Blunt, Coburn, Graham, Thune, Corker, Cornyn, Hatch


9/26/13, Mark Levin announces official Levin surge. Call your senator:


Ask him or her to VOTE NO ON CLOTURE on Friday.


Senator Cruz is urging government be funded with the exception of ObamaCare. No one is suggesting government be "shutdown." For the record, government has been "shutdown" 17 times since 1976.  


4/8/11, "This would be 18th government shutdown in U.S. history,", Pete Williams

"In official parlance, they’re called “spending gaps,” a term the experts prefer to “government shutdown,” because the government doesn’t fully shut down. They’ve been imposed 17 times since 1976, the year Congress began its revised budgeting process.   


Comment: The US is supposed to have a 2 party system. At least one person remembers.



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