Monday, May 9, 2011

US ethanol producers say business so good they may not need $6 billion in tax breaks-FT

5/5/11, "Brazilian imports of US ethanol soar,", Crooks, Meyer

"US exports of ethanol to Brazil have soared during the past year as the real’s rise against the dollar and the high price of sugar have undermined the competitiveness of Brazil’s domestically produced biofuel....

Brazil imported 70m litres of US ethanol in 2010, up from just 1m in 2009, according to the US commerce department....

However, the US has now established itself as the world’s second-largest ethanol exporter, selling to the Middle East, Europe and Canada, with its products made competitive
  • by the fall in value of the dollar....
The US corn ethanol industry, criticised by environmentalists for its carbon emissions and free-market economists for its reliance on subsidies, is approaching the point where producers believe they can compete
  • without state support"....


4/19/11, "Time To Kill Ethanol Subsidies," IBD

via Tom Nelson

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