Thursday, May 5, 2011

Teen says Al Gore movie shown in school led him to form climate group now leading lawsuits vs all 50 US states

"One group associated with Our Children's Trust is Kids Vs Global Warming. A child advocacy group started by a sixteen year-old who started the group 4 years ago after watching Al Gore's Inconvenient Truth. He was then trained as a Climate Ambassador in one of Al Gore's climate education classes."...

5/4/11, "Children have been
blown up for climate change, directed to save polar bears by pestering parents, used as a proxy to sue McDonalds over toys and taken advantage of to expel God from school. Today, a left-wing group known as Our Children's Trust hopes to use children in lawsuits aimed at making the atmosphere a public trust."...

5/4/11, "Climate Activists Target States With Lawsuits," AP, via NPR

"A group of attorneys representing children and young adults began to file legal actions Wednesday in every state and the District of Columbia in an effort to force government intervention on climate change.

The courtroom ploy was backed by activists looking for a legal soft spot to advance a cause that has stumbled in the face of stiff congressional opposition and a skeptical U.S. Supreme Court.

The goal is to have the atmosphere declared for the first time as a "public trust" deserving special protection. That's a concept previously used to clean up polluted rivers and coastlines, although legal experts said they were uncertain it could be applied successfully to climate change.

The spate of lawsuits, led by an Oregon-based nonprofit called Our Children's Trust, were based on "common law" theories, not statutes adopted by state or federal lawmakers. Documents in the cases were provided in advance to The Associated Press.

State-level lawsuits were filed in California, Colorado, Minnesota, Montana, New Mexico, Oregon and Washington, and a federal lawsuit was filed in California, said Julia Olson with Our Children's Trust.

Suits were planned in Alaska, Arizona, Massachusetts and New Jersey. In all other states, regulatory petitions were filed or pending to ask state environmental agencies to tighten restrictions on vehicle and industrial plant emissions, Olson said.

Conservative opponents warned the effort could overload the judicial system and paralyze the economy with over-regulation."...

  • (That was it? They 'warned?' ed.)

(continuing, AP): "Attorneys involved in the lawsuits said a victory in even one or two cases would give environmentalists leverage, leading to new regulations to rein in greenhouse gas emissions that scientists say are driving global temperatures higher.

A 16-year-old climate activist listed as a plaintiff in one of the cases, Alec Loorz of Ventura, California, said he latched onto the effort because he thought "it would give us teeth, give us a bigger voice than just yelling and marching.""...


5/4/11, "No child is too young to be a pawn of the left," American Thinker, Sam Foster

"One group associated with Our Children's Trust is Kids Vs Global Warming. A child advocacy group started by a sixteen year-old who started the group 4 years ago after watching Al Gore's Inconvenient Truth. He was then trained as a Climate Ambassador

  • in one of Al Gore's climate education classes.
The intent of Inconvenient Truth to propagandize youth has been well documented. A UK Judge ruled that schools showing Inconvenient Truth must hand out factual rebuttals to the film's inconvenient errors to avoid "propagandizing" the British youth.

Children are the gatekeepers of freedom for tomorrow. Is it any wonder why our youth is under constant attack
  • from a political ideology?"

10/9/09, "Environmental lawsuits rake in billions for lawyers," by Jake Putnam


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Exploitative billboard during Copenhagen 'climate summit'


11/4/10, "Green groups will fight smaller battles, EDF, Sierra Club and NRDC change tactics after midterm vote," National Journal, by Coral Davenport

We can’t rely solely on abstract concepts like cap-and-trade, and parts-per-million” Sierra Club executive director Michael Brune said. “Instead of talking about cap-and-trade,

  • we’ll talk about public health.

The public health aspects will wrap around a broad series of campaigns. We’ll talk about problems and solutions that are more direct and tangible.”

Heather Taylor, director of the Natural Resources Defense Council Action Fund, gave a more visceral preview of the campaigns “You can’t find a mom or dad or who has treated

  • about pollution.*

We’re going to take that message to America. When it comes to why we need clean air and the EPA, there’s no more


*NRDC does not understand science or is hoping others don't. Everyone is against "pollution." Global warming/cap and trade are about something different, the trillion dollar excess CO2 game. Generic 'air pollution' isn't enough to re-order the world. Promoters claim excess CO2 causes sinking islands, hurricanes, snow, civil wars, and starvation, and that the cure is trillions to be paid by American taxpayers. A child's asthma may or may not be connected to 'pollution,' but in any case is not caused by carbon dioxide. ed.

via Tom Nelson

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