Monday, May 2, 2011

Americans left, right, and center, blame wasteful government spending for deficit and seek government pull back-Gallup Poll

Poll April 20-23, 2011

4/29/11, "Americans Blame Wasteful Government Spending for Deficit," Gallup Poll

"Prefer cutting spending over raising taxes as way for Congress to reduce deficit"

"The large majority of Americans say spending too much money on unneeded or wasteful federal programs is to blame for the federal budget deficit, while 22% say the deficit is a consequence of not raising enough in taxes to pay for needed programs. April 2011: Which do you think is more to blame for the federal budget deficit -- spending too much money on federal programs that are either not needed or wasteful, or not raising enough money in taxes to pay for needed federal programs?
These results are based on an April 20-23 USA Today/Gallup poll."...


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