- A report in today's UK Sunday Times (now a pay site) says the US Department of Energy has temporarily put payments to East Anglia's Climate Unit on hold. The US government is heavily invested in climate fraud, so payments to the UK will likely resume.Without help from the East Anglia ClimateGate UN crew, American citizens might not be guilty of carbon crimes and owe billions in reparations, so must keep that going. ed.
- "The American government has suspended its funding of the University of East Anglia’s climate research unit (CRU), citing the scientific doubts raised by last November’s leak of hundreds of stolen emails.
The US Department of Energy (DoE) was one of the unit’s main sources of funding for its work assembling a database of global temperatures.
- It has supported the CRU financially since 1990 and gives the unit about £131,000 a year on a rolling three-year contract....
- if American taxpayers should continue to fund the unit.
A spokesman for the university said:
- “We are still waiting to hear if the latest bid for funding to the US Department of Energy
- has been successful and would not comment or speculate in the meantime.”" via Climate Depot
- UPDATE: 7/14-7/19: ClimateGate central figure Phil Jones was allowed to approve the 11 main documents the Oxburgh Commission "reviewed." from Bishop Hill blog via Tom Nelson. As a commenter noted elsewhere, the "whitewash" review process itself qualifies for a criminal investigation.

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