Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Delusional Newsday front cover pandering to Obama. Update: Taliban says they murdered 7 'as a message to Obama'

Update: 5/2/12, Taliban says it killed 7 people after Obama's visit "as a message to Obama." They also disputed Obama's claim on prime time television that ""many members of the Taliban" are interested in reconciliation."

Front page Newsday, Wed., 5/2/12, "Obama in Afghanistan, 'A New Day' near."
(primary markets NYC and Long Island)


I only note this as a point about media bias. I don't care about George Bush, merely note media duplicity and apparent short memory:

5/1/12, "Flashback: Network TV Uproar In 2004 At 'Poor Taste' of Brief 9-11 Images in Bush Re-Elect Ads," NewsBusters, Tim Graham


Ed. note: Afghanistan has never been a war but a bunch of business deals and a way to destroy the US economy. It's an open fraud and everyone's fine with it. $6 billion US taxpayer dollars are diverted each month for it.

9/25/11, "Government by crime syndicate," LA Times, Op-ed, Sarah Chayes,

"In Afghanistan and elsewhere, rampant corruption threatens security and the rule of law."

"Afghanistan is controlled by a structured, mafiaesque system, in which money flows upward via purchase of office, kickbacks or "sweets" in return for permission to extract resources (of which more varieties exist in impoverished Afghanistan than one might think) and protection in case of legal or international scrutiny. Those foolish enough to raise objections are punished. The result is a system that selects for criminality, excluding and marginalizing the very men and women of probity most needed to build a sustainable state."...


The problem is more the US Ruling Class than the Middle East:

10/20/11, "The lost decade," Claremont Institute, Angelo M. Codevilla

"It failed to ask the classic headwaters question: what is the problem?...That would have pointed to the Middle East’s regimes, and to our ruling class’ relationship with them, as the problem’s ultimate source. "...


7/25/11, "U.S. trucking funds end up in Taliban hands," Reuters ($6 billion/month citation)


5/2/12, "Taliban Attacks Kabul, Hours After Obama Says the Goal Is Not to Eradicate the Taliban," CNS News, Susan Jones

Hours after Obama visit the Taliban carried out more mass murder in a high security zone "as a message to Obama."


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