Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Americans and the world need a bloodless collapse of the monstrous, post WWII US empire. Sorry Iran got stuck with the job-Moon of Alabama commenter

Above, 1/8/20 comment to 1/7/20 Moon of Alabama post, “Blowback From The Soleimani Assassination Increases As Iraq Reveals How Trump Tried To Steal Its Oil” 

“@304 Wholeheartedly agree, HD. I want the US empire to collapse, for everyone in the world’s sake including mine (a US citizen), but I want it to be bloodless. The Iranians are some of the last people who deserve to be harmed hamstringing the imperial monstrosity. 

On a different note, I’ve read for years about how the Persians were brave and proud warriors. Tonight they proved that again, for better or worse. 

Posted by: Sorghum | Jan 8 2020 4:31 utc | 313″


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