Tuesday, June 11, 2013

We can expect more mass murders as we eagerly welcome more Arabs into the US-Debbie Schlussel

6/10/13, "John Zawahri: Santa Monica Mass-Murderer Was Arab Christian Son of Lebanese Immigrants; 2nd Arab Immigrant Mass Murder in CA in ’13," DebbieSchlussel.com

"Over the weekend, when the name of the Santa Monica murderer of five was released, I received plenty of e-mails from readers and friends asking me about John Zawahri. He murdered five people, including his brother Chris and his father, Samir “Sam” Zawahri, and injured several others. Yes, they were Arabs. No, they were not Muslim. They were Christians, and his parents, Samir Zawahri and Randa Abdou, were immigrants from Lebanon. What struck me is that this is the second such rampage by the kid of an Arab immigrant family in California, this year. In March, I wrote about Muslim Ali Syed of Orange County, who went on a jihadist rampage, shooting and murdering three innocent people not related to him and wounding several others. Like Zawahri, he also was a 20-something ex-student who was excused as “mentally disturbed.” Um, yeah, “mentally disturbed while Arab,” or as I call it, “the halal twinkie defense.”

Whether they are Christian or Muslim, this is the culture of the Arab Middle East. They are violent and don’t settle things peacefully and civilly. It’s “in the blood.” As I’ve frequently noted on this site, Egyptian Copts (also Christians) are extremely violent and bloody and led Muslims in pogroms against Jews in Egypt. The Copts and the Greek and Syrian Orthodox were helping HAMAS and Hezbollah. That’s their “brethren.”
And when we bring more and more of these Arab immigrants to this country, we cannot be surprised when more and more innocents are murdered by them. They bring their backward culture, backward mores, and backward way of dealing with problems to this country. And since we make no effort whatsoever to force them to civilize and absorb into American society (instead, we bend over backward because we’re “not supposed to judge”), we will have more and more of this."...


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