Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Senate immigration bill creates permanent transfer of US taxpayer dollars to select community groups, weakens already weak rules for asylum seekers, prevents border agents from doing basic enforcement

This 'transformation' of the US has long been sought by the GOP establishment. It isn't just Obama. The GOP believes deeply that we must be silenced, forced into filth and chaos, and enslaved.

6/9/13, "GINNI THOMAS: Six big problems with the immigration bill from someone who has actually read it," Daily Caller
"Former New York lieutenant governor Betsy McCaughey bets “you can’t find five members of Congress who have read” the Senate “Gang of Eight” immigration bill....

McCaughey "is experienced at reading large bills the Congress seems inclined to pass without reading, such as Obamacare. She tabs them, underlines them and tries to see the big picture of what will happen if the provisions of the bill are implemented....

“There are many interest groups involved in this bill,” she said.

“In fact, many, many, many except one. I didn’t find anything for Joe Q. Citizen in this bill. I didn’t find anything for the average tax-paying citizen in this bill.”...

McCaughey, author of “Beating Obamacare,” laid out six criticisms and unexamined problems of the bill beyond what she sees as the problematic pathway to citizenship and lax border security provisions of the bill.

According to McCaughey, the bill imperils national security by weakening rules for asylum seekers;

outsources government jobs to community organizers, like happened in Obamacare;

doubles the numbers of legal immigrants with green cards; 

contradicts Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio’s ads that promise new citizens will be self-supporting;

costs too much; and 

impedes border agents from doing their basic enforcement job." via Legal Insurrection commenter



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