Monday, June 10, 2013

Hack Sen. Marco Rubio says illegal immigrants will be legalized immediately, not contingent on border security or other matters

6/10/13, "Marco Rubio: In immigration reform, legalization comes first — ‘It is not conditional’," Washington Examiner, Byron York

"In a Spanish-language interview Sunday with the network Univision, Sen. Marco Rubio, the leading Republican on the Gang of Eight comprehensive immigration reform group, made his strongest statement yet that legalization of the nation’s estimated 11 million illegal immigrants must happen before any new border security or internal enforcement measures are in place, and
will in no way be conditional on any security requirements."...via Free Republic


Comment: It's fine if Rubio, Jeb Bush, Roger Ailes, and the rest want the same things democrats want. Instead of switching party affiliation and allowing us to have checks and balances provided by a 2 party political system, they seek to transform the US into a one-party dictatorship. The muss and fuss of democracy has never been their thing. Those of us who object to being left without a democracy or even secure borders are attacked as stupid hicks who need to shut up.


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