Monday, June 10, 2013

EPA released personal data of 80,000 farmers sought by radical left groups. Thanks again to the non-existent, fraudulent GOP which has turned the US into a one-party mob

6/6/13, "EPA ‘Leaked’ Farmers’ Personal Data To Greenies," Sweetness & Light, Steve Gilbert

"From the Daily Caller:

"Senators slam EPA for leaking farmers’ personal data to environmentalists," by Michael Bastasch  June 6, 2013
A bipartisan group of senators is calling on the Environmental Protection Agency to answer for leaking the personal data of about 80,000 farmers and ranchers to left-wing environmental groups.
The news of these EPA ‘leaks’ first came out back in April. However, few people noticed. But now it’s clear it was just part of the pattern from the Obama administration.
“The EPA’s disclosure of personal information is not the first time sensitive data has been leaked to outside organizations under the Obama administration,” said South Dakota Republican Sen. John Thune.
Really? Sen. Thune should tell us more about these past cases.
Thune joined a bipartisan group of senators in sending a letter to acting EPA administrator Bob Perciasepe, asking the agency to answer for its actions.
In April, the EPA admitted to leaking farmers and ranchers’ personal data to environmentalists, and has since redacted some of the sensitive records and asked environmental groups to return the released documents to the agency.
Hilarious. Yes, that will happen.
Senators slammed the agency, sending a letter in April criticizing the agency’s actions and questioning whether or not the EPA had violated the Privacy Act. However, Thune said the EPA has yet to respond to issues raised in the first letter he and other senators sent to the agency.
Why should they worry? They know they will never be held accountable for their actions.
“These leaks provide further evidence of the growing credibility gap between the Obama administration and the American public,” Thune added. “This troubling pattern of unauthorized release of government-obtained personal information is unacceptable political intimidation…"
That is the whole point.

The EPA leaked personal data — including names, personal addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses — as the result of a Freedom of Information Act request made by the groups
  •  Earth Justice   
    the Natural Resources Defense Council and 
    the Pew Charitable Trust…
Lest we forget, environmental extremists are the most prevalent domestic terrorists we have in this country. But we’re sure the farmers have nothing to worry about."

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