Monday, June 10, 2013

NSA whistleblower: "I believed in Obama's promises....I do not expect to see home again."

6/8/13, "NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden: 'I do not expect to see home again'," UK Guardian, Ewen MacAskill

"Q: When did you decide to leak the documents?

A: "You see things that may be disturbing. When you see everything you realise that some of these things are abusive. The awareness of wrong-doing builds up. There was not one morning when I woke up [and decided this is it]. It was a natural process.

"A lot of people in 2008 voted for Obama. I did not vote for him. I voted for a third party. But I believed in Obama's promises. I was going to disclose it [but waited because of his election]. He continued with the policies of his predecessor.""...


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