Sunday, June 9, 2013

Alleged 'GOP strategists' like Ana Navarro get invited on tv as long as they bash Republicans and praise democrats. Even Bill Maher has figured out the racket

6/8/13, "Maher Calls Out Supposedly ‘Conservative’ Guest for Being a RINO," NewsBusters, Noel Sheppard

"CNN political contributor Ana Navarro is the liberal media’s new darling when they want a supposedly "conservative" guest to bash Republicans and support Obama.

So obvious is her charade that Bill Maher on HBO’s Real Time Friday called Navarro out for it (video follows with transcript and commentary):...

For those unfamiliar, before becoming a CNN political contributor, Navarro was national Hispanic co-chair for Jon Huntsman’s 2012 campaign.

Getting the picture?

In 2008, Navarro served as the national co-chair of John McCain’s Hispanic Advisory Council and was a national surrogate for the McCain 2008 campaign.

She’s a total RINO who as Maher pointed out disagrees with most Republicans – certainly those on the right – on virtually every issue.

Despite this, she’s now getting serious television exposure as a “Republican strategist” appearing several times on “Meet the Press.” Just last Sunday, she insulted "lean back with a mint julep" moms who stay home."

In fact, given her antagonism to so many conservative principles, you should expect to see her on more news networks trashing Republicans and supporting Obama.

Regardless, it must have been quite embarrassing for Navarro to be called out on national television - by a liberal Obama supporter no less! - for being a RINO.

It doesn't get worse than that."


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