Monday, October 22, 2012

Calling the shots all on his own in Libya, Obama repeated Bush's Iraq mistake, and the power vacuum has been filled by jihadists. Now it's too late and US taxpayers are out $1 billion

10/21/12, "Too little too late in Libya," LA Times, Opinion, Max Boot

"Obama repeated Bush's mistake, and the power vacuum has been filled by jihadists."...

 "Max Boot is a contributing writer to Opinion. He is a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, an advisor to the Romney campaign and author of the forthcoming "Invisible Armies: An Epic History of Guerrilla Warfare From Ancient Times to the Present Day." via Hot Air


Ed. note: Too late for US taxpayers who were forced to pay $1 billion for Libya instead of having the precious tax dollars spent on growing the US economy.

8/23/11, "Libya war costs for U.S.: $896 million so far," Washington Post, Jason Ukman


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