Sunday, February 27, 2011

Union shop steward physically attacks Tea Party activist at Sacramento rally

2/26/11, "Breaking: Union member attacks, injures Tea Party activist at rally,", by Chuck DeVore

"Sacramento’s ABC News 10 reported on the union rally and Tea Party counter rally in Sacramento today. ABC’s online report makes cursory mention of an incident of union violence directed at Tea Party activist Rodney Stanhope: “Police cited one man for battery after he allegedly shoved a tea party supporter.”

I spoke to Stanhope, as he drove to the hospital for x-rays and treatment for the injuries sustained at the rally, and asked him what happened. Mr. Stanhope said that he was with a group of about 150 Tea Party activists across the street from the union rally. A union man with a bullhorn, Richard Andazola, 28, was yelling across the street at the Tea Party activists, calling them “fascists.”"

  • As of 3/16/09, Andazola was a union shop steward
From Teamsters for a Democratic Union, March 16, 2009, "Members Hold TDU Meetings in NorCal"

"TDU members and other Teamsters met this weekend in Sacramento and Tracy, Calif. to talk about how to beat apathy and get members involved in building a stronger union.

“I learned a lot and came away from the meeting inspired—and so did the other members I came with,”

“We’re taking the information we got back to the warehouse,” Andazola said."...


Following is video showing the union protester shoving the Tea Party protester.


2/26/11, "Demonstration turns into shoving match at state Capitol," News 10 Sacramento


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