Sunday, October 3, 2010

In the absence of American leadership, Brooklyn residents seek to save their small neighborhood from being dwarfed by a mosque

They call themselves the Brooklyn Tea Party. Why not?

Residents of Brooklyn point out the obvious, that there is a difference between race and culture. Screaming bullies want to put a mosque in their small residential neighborhood. Thanks to Bloomberg and others waging hateful campaigns against New Yorkers and Americans in general, and reports that taxpayers might even be forced to subsidize the Ground Zero mosque, Islamists feel free to treat New York City residents like garbage.

When the Saudis said they wanted to build another mosque in Russia, the Russians said
Who needs 'bridges to understanding'? Islamists and American politicians, not ordinary Americans.
  • Not one more word from Islamists or American politicians until several churches and synagogues are up and running in Saudi Arabia.


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