Friday, October 12, 2012

Ohio newspaper publishes devastating editorial against Obama's handling of Libya

10/12/12, "Devastating Ohio Editorial: Obama's Handling of Libya Indefensible," Breitbart, John Nolte

"Even though the mainstream media's Narrative Gatekeepers won't allow for a national discussion on the security failures in Libya and the subsequent White House cover up, that doesn’t mean voters are disinterested or that local media outlets in the individual states aren't covering the September 11 anniversary attacks. This morning, the Columbus Dispatch out of the crucial swing state of Ohio, published a brutal (because it's true) editorial lashing out at Obama's dishonest and incompetent mishandling of Libya:

"The fact of a successful terrorist attack against the U.S. on the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks — a day, above all others, when security for American officials in volatile countries should be at its utmostis demoralizing and infuriating."...


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