Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Obama's Palace Guard of 'fact check' outfits uses words as weapons, creates feedback loops, crowds out needed and correct information from seeing the light of day

10/1/12, "Obama’s Palace Guard," Washington Examiner, Mark Hemingway, "How media fact checkers made themselves of service to the president in the welfare reform debate"

"To date, three PolitiFact columns have been written on the main welfare reform controversy—two concluding Republicans are lying, and a third concluding that Bill Clinton was telling the truth about Sebelius’s misleading, garbage-in, garbage-out 20 percent metric. Factcheck.org and the Washington Post fact checker have also concluded that Republicans are not telling the truth about what the Obama administration did to welfare reform.

In order for “fact checkers” to swiftly, unanimously, and erroneously reach the wrong conclusion, they created a feedback loop, credulously taking at face value the statements of the Obama administration and liberal policy experts, while systematically ignoring critical sources—including the primary source for the allegation the Obama administration is gutting welfare reform."...


Ed. note: Words can kill especially if only one side has them. Media bias is now dangerous and life threatening. The media's treatment of the Libya assassinations is proof if anyone needed it that they're in business with all powerful government against the people--the exact opposite of what media is supposed to be. People like Nina Totenberg will giggle at at such statements. They think murder is funny as long as it's being done by democrats. I guess it's exhilarating to have destroyed the once great America. The US now is no different than a third world dictatorship. 9/27/12, "Pat Caddell Says: Media Have Become “Enemy of the American People"," Accuracy in Media, Roger Aronoff


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