Monday, October 15, 2012

Fact check on Joe Biden claim about JFK, Biden used mockery to silence the truth about JFK, that he advocated expansion of the private sector, that today's Democrat party is so far left it would mock JFK were he alive

10/12/12, "Flashback: JFK's 1962 Speech Advocating Tax Cuts," (transcript and video below)

"Now, last night in the debate, Paul Ryan made reference to the fact that his tax plan is no different than Ronaldus Magnus and no different than JFK. At which point Joey said, (imitating Biden) "Ho, so, so now you're Jack Kennedy, too, huh, kid?" And Ryan said, "I'm closer to him than you are." ...I think -we were the first popular, major media outlet to dredge up a speech made by President Kennedy, 1962, December 14th, in New York City at the New York Economic Club. It was JFK making the case for tax cuts as a means of growing the economy....

There is no Democrat alive today who would make this speech. If JFK were alive today and hadn't changed, he wouldn't find room for himself in the Democrat Party. The things that JFK says in this speech are daily mocked, laughed at, impugned, made fun of, and the people who believe in these things are targeted for personal destruction....Here they are...from 1962.

KENNEDY: "This administration pledged itself last summer to an across-the-board, top-to-bottom cut in personal and corporate income taxes to be enacted and become effective in 1963. I am not talking about a quickie or a temporary tax cut which would be more appropriate if a recession were imminent. Nor am I talking about giving the economy a mere shot in the arm to ease some temporary complaint. The federal government's most useful role is not to rush into a program of excessive increases in public expenditures, but to expand the incentives and opportunities 
  • of private expenditures....
When consumers purchase
more goods, plants use more of their capacity, men are hired instead of laid off, investment increases, and profits are high. Corporate tax rates must also be cut to increase incentives and the availability of investment capital. The government has already taken major steps this year to reduce business tax liability and to stimulate the modernization, replacement, and expansion of our productive plant and equipment....

Our true choice is not between tax reduction on the one hand and the avoidance of large federal deficits on the other. It is increasingly clear that no matter what party is in power, so long as our national security needs keep rising, an economy hampered by restrictive tax rates will never produce enough revenues to balance our budget, just as it will never produce enough jobs or enough profits. Surely the lesson of the last decade is that

budget deficits are not caused by wild-eyed spenders, but 

by slow economic growth and periodic recessions, 

and any new recession would break all deficit records. In short, it is a paradoxical truth that tax rates are too high today and tax revenues are too low. And the soundest way to raise the revenues in the long run is to cut the rates now."...


Rush: "Paul Ryan, the Republican vice presidential nominee, cited this speech, cited JFK, as saying, "This is what we, Mitt Romney and I, believe in," and it was pooh-poohed, laughed at, and discarded very sarcastically and cynically by the Democrat vice president, Joe Biden. ...

The first time we aired those JFK
tax cutsound bites...somebody in the media went to Ted Kennedy and asked him about them. He was furious. He was livid. I was trying to hijack and distort his brother's memory. I had no business doing it. It was uncouth and vulgar to go back and dredge up these words of his assassinated brother. He was furious about it. I'm telling you, there isn't a Democrat, there's not a popular elected Democrat today -- forget popular -- not an elected Democrat today who would say what you heard president JFK say in 1962.

Folks, the point of the illustration is to show you how far left the Democrat Party has become, and it is not your father's or your grandfather's Democrat Party. The Democrat Party is what you saw out of Joe Biden last night."


Only 17,293 have viewed this video of JFK's Dec. 1962 speech on You Tube, "JFK-Path to Prosperity":


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