Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Democrats view 'establishment media as their de facto allies.' 'The press led us against the war, the press led us on civil rights, and the press led us on Watergate,' Bill Clinton, Washington Post, 10/5/06

10/5/2006, "New Media A Weapon in New World Of Politics," Washington Post, John F. Harris

p. 2, "But Clinton, in an earlier interview, said his party should understand that the ideological and financial incentives among politicians and media organizations mean that every election cycle will feature such episodes -- and it should plan accordingly.

But he (Clinton) said Democrats of his generation tend to be naive about new media realities. There is an expectation among Democrats that establishment old media organizations are de facto allies -- and will rebut political accusations and serve as referees on new-media excesses.

"We're all that way, and I think a part of it is we grew up in the '60s and the press led us against the war and the press led us on civil rights and the press led us on Watergate," Clinton said. "Those of us of a certain age grew up with this almost unrealistic set of expectations."" via Instapundit, via Just One Minute


Comments to above article on Just one minute include:


"I love the way he uses the term "WE" and "US"... once again the arrogance of the left to think we all thought the same way.

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