Monday, September 6, 2021

“Top Republicans” adore populations of other countries such as Afghanistan. Conversely, it would be more compassionate for "top Republicans" to just shoot everyone in Philadelphia than what they're doing now


"Streets of Philadelphia, Kensington Avenue, What happened today, Aug, 14, 2021"






 Above, obviously "white supremacists" in Philadelphia







Above, "white privilege" in Philadelphia 






Above, white supremacists and their victims






Above, did you hear about those thousands of Afghan refugees being flown to the US and given free room and board in our community?




 Above, this must be "American values" that "top Republicans" talk about.

Above, I wish I could have one of those Humvees the Afghans have. I guess I was born in the wrong country.


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"Almighty Loaf 1 week ago





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