Sunday, September 12, 2021

On Oct. 30, 2001, Pres. George Bush is about to throw first pitch at Yankee Stadium and Derek Jeter tells him, “Don’t bounce it, they’ll boo you.” World Series game 3


10/30/2001, Yankee Stadium, World Series Game 3, “Behind The Scenes Of Pres. Bush’s 1st Pitch At 2001 World Series–Weeks After 9-11”

Above two images, 10/30/2001, Derek Jeter chats with Pres. Bush before his first pitch, screen shots from You Tube video. “Don’t bounce it, they’ll boo you,” Bush remembers him [Jeter] saying.” Bush relates this at 2:40.

Above, 10/30/2001, Bush emerges from Yankee dugout, screen shot, mlb video

Above, 10/30/2001, Yankee Stadium, Bush heads to the mound, screen shot mlb video

Above, 10/30/2001, Bush on the mound at Yankee Stadium World Series game 3 vs Diamondbacks. Final score, 2-1 Yankees, 7 innings pitched by Roger Clemens, 8th and 9th innings pitched by Mariano Rivera


Comment: It was a great moment. Too bad over the years George Bush revealed himself to be a nasty creep.



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