8/28/20, “B-52s Fly Over All NATO Member Nations in One Day,” airforcemag.com, Brian W. Everstine...Novichok flops again...Navalny was on Time Magazine List of World’s Most Influential People in 2012...Navalny was in Yale 2010 class of Greenberg World Fellows…
9/2/20, “Navalny Gets Skripaled," Moon of Alabama
“Yawn! was my first reaction when I read this. Couldn’t they come up with a more believable fairy tale?
“The German government says tests performed on samples taken from Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny showed the presence of the Soviet-era nerve agent Novichok…
Chancellor Angela Merkel’s spokesman, Steffen Seibert, said in a statement Wednesday that testing by a special German military laboratory had shown proof of “a chemical nerve agent from the Novichok group.”
Novichok, a Soviet-era nerve agent, was [allegedly] used to poison former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter in Britain. It is a cholinesterase inhibitor, part of the class of substances that doctors at the Charite initially identified in Navalny.”
Funny how Novichok, the “military grade”, “most deadly” poison, never kills anyone.
Where are, by the way, the Skripals? Will Navalny now get vanished just like they were?
Other questions one might ask (and will never get answered):
*If the Russian state or “Putin” has poisoned Navalny why was he allowed to be flown out of the country?
*No traces of any unusual substances have been found by the two Russian laboratories which analyzed the blood of the sick Alexei Navalny. Why?
*While Navalny was allegedly exposed to such stuff why was no one else around him hurt by it?
*Why was the German government so eager to get Navalny to Berlin?
*Who has the lead in this anti-Russian information operation? The MI6, the CIA or the Germany BND?
My sense is that the Navalny incident, or at least what is made of it, is a reaction to the failure of the U.S. run color revolution attempt in Belarus. “Russia” must be punished for this.”…
[Ed. note: After failing to overthrow Belarus, Trump, in “show of force to Russia” did an extravagant buzz over all NATO countries last week].

Is there a neutral international laboratory that could retest those?”
Posted by b on September 2, 2020 at 15:37 UTC | Permalink
Following are 13 among comments to above article:
“Russia” must be punished for this....In The Netherlands we are overrun with stories of Navalny and Belarus and the evil Russians….Somehow german (and dutch) consumers must be made happy to pay extra for the expensive american LNG. All
the pipelines from russia to west-europe are a target. I wonder how
informed people think about it and how this will reflect in the
Posted by: gary | Sep 2 2020 15:53 utc | 2
…………………………………………………… Posted by: gary | Sep 2 2020 15:53 utc | 2
“When I heard the Germans claimed it was Novichok, my immediate response was come on, this is absurd, Navalny gets poisoned with the “deadliest nerve agent ever” and he survives and no one else in the area of the alleged poisoning is impacted. This is impossible, but the European powers, under US occupation, are obliged to follow US diktats, even order that are clearing driving us to another Cold War”
Posted by: Kadath | Sep 2 2020 19:01 utc | 66
……………………………………………….. Posted by: Kadath | Sep 2 2020 19:01 utc | 66
“Problem is that the Russian government refuses to toughen up its own responses to this unending campaign of defamation. This stance clearly emboldens the racist Russophobes
who formulate this policy and the majority of the western populace is
inevitably infected as well by this unrelenting propaganda.”…
Posted by: Constantine | Sep 2 2020 15:58 utc | 4
………………………………………….. Posted by: Constantine | Sep 2 2020 15:58 utc | 4
“Who has the lead in this anti-Russian information operation? The MI6, the CIA or the Germany BND?
Given the level of incompetence I am voting for the CIA but it is a tough choice. Could be MI6. The utter lack of originality is mind boggling. Could they not have invented a new drug. It is getting to be a bit boring. The timing is so obvious”
Posted by: jrkrideau | Sep 2 2020 16:01 utc | 5
“BBC news is trumpeting this BS for an hour. They do not care if the story is even plausible. The level of their brazenness and insolence is mind boggling. Pure, naked hostile propaganda.“
Posted by: hopehely | Sep 2 2020 16:14 utc | 10
…………………………………………… Posted by: hopehely | Sep 2 2020 16:14 utc | 10
“The limp, vapid construction of “accusation” of poisoning is clear evidence of the end days for the West. These are the best of the best minds creating fairy tales that John Cleese would consider as plot lines for his comedies.
It had to be Skirpal redux because the group they aim at is the GRU (GU). All hacking and poisoning, don’t you know, is done by the GRU. Just ask the 16 Gendered-Mi6 or Khazarian tribe-led CIA.
What a joke the German BND and Merkel government is.”
Posted by: Red Ryder | Sep 2 2020 16:27 utc | 15
……………………………………… Posted by: Red Ryder | Sep 2 2020 16:27 utc | 15
“It is virtually impossible to refute the Novichok card now that it has been played. Russia may have samples of Navalny’s blood, but it will never be proved to the satisfaction of the Russophobic world that they are authentic. Never
mind that simple logic should lead to the conclusion that Russia would
never use this substance to remove a high profile opponent. It was never proven to have been used in the Skripal case, yet most of the Western world believes that it was.
And would Merkel actually sabotage the Nordstream 2 project over what
she must know is a monumentally weird political assassination claim?
What does the Deep State have on her?”
Posted by: Rob | Sep 2 2020 16:35 utc | 18
…………………………………………… Posted by: Rob | Sep 2 2020 16:35 utc | 18
“>>My sense is that the Navalny incident, or at least what is made of it, is a reaction to the failure of the U.S. run color revolution attempt in Belarus. “Russia” must be punished for this.
Yeah, i think so too. I suspect that this was intelligence operation coordinated beforehand with Navalny in order to coincide with the Color revolution attempt in Belarus and create the proper “climate.”
That is, a social terrain shaping operation.
One mistake though. This wasn’t simply the US behind the Color Revolution attempt in Belarus. It was Europe too.
>>Why was the German government so eager to get Navalny to Berlin?
Because the German Government is hostile to Russia. It is a veeery big sign of its hostility.
Germany joining the Novichok anglo dramas is a red sign (among other things, such as rejecting european defence force independent from NATO) that it is still a puppet country. To a large extent.
It is still a bit childish directing, with all the emphasis on Novichok that never kills the target (and this time in Russia!) over and over again. They either lack imagination or think that people are stupid.”
Posted by: Passer by | Sep 2 2020 17:02 utc | 28
“When I first read the claim that Navalny was poisoned with a ‘Novichok like poison’ I literally laughed out loud for about half a minute. I imagined what it must be like to be a ‘news’ reader for the corporate media in this day and age. Could you imagine having to read that stuff out deadpan? I for one, could never keep a straight face while reading out loud that sort of utter bullshit. Comedy pure and simple.
On another note, I don’t know which is more alarming, the utter lack of competence and imagination in the ‘intelligence’ services or the mind boggling gullibility and stupidity of those that believe it.”
Posted by: MarkU | Sep 2 2020 17:10 utc | 32
“It seemed very strange that Navalnys’ spokesman tweeted, on 22nd Aug, only two days after the diverted flight, the following:
“The struggle for Alexei’s life and health is just beginning, and there is still a lot to go through, but now at least the first step has been taken,”…
But how could she possibly know it was ‘just the beginning’? At this point they had zero information on what had caused Navalnys’ collapse at all?”
Posted by: Tee | Sep 2 2020 17:17 utc | 35
………………………………….. Posted by: Tee | Sep 2 2020 17:17 utc | 35
“I am really surprised that the western intelligence services went ahead with this fabrication because wasn’t Novichok meant to be extremely dangerous? A single drop would kill thousands, and houses and properties had to be demolished in Salisbury to protect the public? Do Russians have a natural immunity to “Novichok”? (Where is the intelligence services guile and subtlety?)
This tired retread undermines “belief” in Scripals story and in the Litvinenko case. All the western intelligence services have done is point the finger at themselves.
I wonder…will Navalny disappear and never be heard from again and will anyone care or even notice?”
Posted by: ADKC | Sep 2 2020 17:57 utc | 46
………………………………………….. Posted by: ADKC | Sep 2 2020 17:57 utc | 46
“This simply firms the belief I have had for some time. The major intelligence services, especially BND, CIA and MI6 plus the other ‘five eyes’ no longer work for their own governments, they have been suborned by or subsumed into what I term the International Establishment,
those powers behind the scenes that own much of the political and
governing classes around the world, especially the Western World, and
the their so called Deep or Alt States. It should also not be forgotten that the BND has been in bed with the CIA since its inception and has been caught out in several false flags and other meddlesome activities, like
the acquisition of and subsequent use of Crypto AG to plant compromised
communications hardware all around the world to facilitate their
“If the Russians wanted him dead, he would be dead. It’s too ridiculous to believe that all these people they supposedly poison somehow survive.”
Posted by: Danny C | Sep 2 2020 19:12 utc | 68
……………………………………………… Posted by: Danny C | Sep 2 2020 19:12 utc | 68
Added: “German chancellor Angela Merkel said Mr Navalny’s poisoning was attempted murder.”
Sept. 2, 2020, “‘Completely reprehensible’: UK and US lead condemnation after novichok attack,” Sky News, Alix Culbertson
“Boris Johnson has called for answers from the Kremlin over the poisoning of a Putin critic with novichok.
The prime minister said it was “outrageous” a chemical weapon was used against Alexei Navalny after German hospital tests proved “without doubt” he was poisoned with the Soviet-era nerve agent.
He added: “We have seen first hand the deadly consequences of novichok in the UK.
“The Russian government must now explain what happened to Mr Navalny – we will work with international partners to ensure justice is done.”
The Kremlin was accused of poisoning former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter with novichok in Salisbury in 2018. Moscow has denied any involvement.
Britain’s foreign minister said it is “absolutely unacceptable” a banned chemical weapon has been used again.
Dominic Raab said: “The Russian government has a clear case to answer. It must tell the truth about what happened to Mr Navalny.
“We will work closely with Germany, our allies and international partners to demonstrate that there are consequences for using banned chemical weapons anywhere in the world.”
Mr Navalny was transferred to a Berlin hospital after falling ill on an internal Russia flight on 20 August, with doctors in Omsk where he was in hospital saying he had pancreatitis and was not poisoned. He remains in a serious but stable condition in Berlin.
Health Secretary Matt Hancock added that the UK will “stand ready to offer all the support that’s available to help Germany, to investigate and take action as necessary”.
Marina Litvinenko, the wife of Russian defector Alexander Litvinenko who died after being poisoned with radioactive polonium in 2006, said many people in Russia believed Mr Navalny was “on safe ground”.
She told Sky News: “Now, it looks like this regime can do whatever they want.
“After what happened with my husband, everyone said ‘Russia is not safe’, but despite all the evidence Russia would not stop.
“It’s a big question for Western governments, do you really understand who you are dealing with in Vladimir Putin? People may be killed, may be poisoned and after that will you do business as usual or make some kind of decision?”
She believes the Kremlin allowed Mr Navalny to be transferred to a German hospital because whoever poisoned him did not think novichok would be detected.
Mrs Litvinenko added that in her husband’s case, the UK was the only country to stand up to Russia, and said the entire international community needs to do so now if Russia is to be held properly accountable.
Labour’s shadow minister for Europe said the development is “serious and alarming” and said the UK must support the referral of Mr Navalny’s poisoning to the [100% US controlled and majority funded] Organisation for the Prevention of Chemical Weapons (OPCW).
A White House spokesman called Mr Navalny’s poisoning“completely reprehensible” and said the US will work with the international community to hold those in Russia accountable.
The US will also restrict funds for their “malign activities”, he added.
German chancellor Angela Merkel said Mr Navalny’s poisoning was attempted murder and called for Russia to carry out an investigation into who poisoned him, while also promising an investigation by the EU and NATO.
The Kremlin said it could not give a proper response yet and it has requested a full exchange of data between Berlin and Moscow, as well as full co-operation.
A source with details of a Russian inquiry into Mr Navalny’s hospital admission said the investigation is “a purely procedural formality and there are still no reasons whatsoever to assume that Navalny was poisoned”, according to Russian state news agency Interfax.
French foreign affairs minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said: “I wish to condemn in the strongest possible terms the shocking and irresponsible use of such an agent.”
NATO secretary general Jens Stoltenberg said he “utterly” condemns the use of novichok and called on Russia to conduct a “full and transparent investigation”, as he added that NATO will consult with Germany and other allies on the implications.
Ursula von der Leyen, president of the EU Commission, said Mr Navalny’s poisoning “is a despicable and cowardly act – once again”.
“Perpetrators need to be brought to justice,” she added.
Lithuania’s foreign affairs minister also condemned the poisoning, saying “you can’t buy this in drug store” as he referred to novichok.
Linas Linkevicius tweeted those responsible “must face consequences” and “not too many lines remain uncrossed”.
Added: US can’t be a peaceful nation under Trump because he considers US military hardware manufacturing a “jobs program.” Below, in March 2018 he displays a US map of weapons manufacturing touting “over 40,000 jobs in key states."

Added: Trump pretends the US still exists, that he hasn’t destroyed it likely forever, converting 50 states to dictatorships with the excuse of a UK math professor’s unvetted computer model about a virus. Totally detached from starving Americans, Trump chooses this moment to spend millions more tax dollars grotesquely flying B-52 bombers over every NATO nation in one day to show “solidarity” with them.
8/28/20, “B-52s Fly Over All NATO Member Nations in One Day,” airforcemag.com, Brian W. Everstine
“Six B-52s on Aug. 28 overflew all North Atlantic Treaty Organization member nations, both in Europe and in North America, as part of a mission called “Allied Sky” that was designed to “demonstrate NATO solidarity.”
Four B-52s deployed to RAF Fairford, United Kingdom, flew over European member nations, while two B-52s from Minot Air Force Base, N.D., flew over the U.S. and Canada. All of the bombers are part of Minot’s 5th Bomb Wing.

“U.S. security commitments to the NATO Alliance remain ironclad,” said Gen. Tod D. Wolters, commander of U.S. European Command, in a release. “Today’s bomber task force mission is another example of how the Alliance sustains readiness, improves interoperability, and demonstrates our ability to deliver on commitments from across the Atlantic.”
The same day as the mission, Russian state-owned media posted a video allegedly showing Su-27 fighters intercepting a Minot B-52 over the Black Sea. The intercept reportedly occurred in neutral waters.
During Allied Sky, the bombers linked up with other nations’ fighters and refueling aircraft. Participating countries included:
Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Turkey, and the United Kingdom.
Joint flights are designed to enhance “interoperability for all participating aircrews from the U.S. and NATO allies,” according to the release.
Some of the nations shared photographs of allied aircraft alongside the B-52s. All told, about 80 NATO fighter aircraft participated.
Today’s training event demonstrates the United States’ powerful commitment to NATO, and Allied solidarity in action,” NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said in a statement. “As U.S. bombers overfly all 30 NATO Allies in a single day,they are being accompanied by fighter jets from across the Alliance, boosting our ability to respond together to any challenge. Training events like this help ensure that we fulfil our core mission: to deter aggression, prevent conflict, and preserve peace.”
The bombers deployed to Fairford on Aug. 21, and immediately flew with Norwegian aircraft. On Aug. 27, two B-52s trained with French Mirage and United Kingdom Royal Air Force Eurofighter Typhoon fighters, with French KC-135 and RAF Voyager aircraft providing refueling, according to a U.S. Air Forces in Europe release.”...twitter post above 8/28/20, from Poland’s Defense Minister
Added: 1947: “In a memorandum called “The United States and the Soviet Union” written in August 1947, a highly influential Oxford Rhodes Scholar and radical promoter of global governance named Escott Reid, then Deputy Undersecretary of External Affairs of Canada “recommended that the countries of the North Atlantic band together, under the leadership of the United States, to form ‘a new regional security organization’ to deter Soviet expansion.” The motive for this memorandum was to escape the Soviet Union’s veto power in the U.N. Security Council, which prevented the British Great Game from moving forward. The goal was to establish an instrument powerful enough to bring about an Anglo-American Empire as desired by Cecil Rhodes and Winston Churchill and which the League of Nations failed to accomplish.”
6/28/20, “The Age of Chatham House and the British Roots of NATO,” Matthew Ehret, Strategic Culture
“NATO secretary General Jens Stoltenberg’s recent announcement of a NATO 2030 anti-nation state vision to extend the spheres of NATO’s jurisdiction into the Pacific to contain China demonstrates a disturbing ideology which can lead nowhere but World War III if not nipped in the bud soon….
As Cynthia Chung reported in her recent paper “The Enemy Within: A Story of the Purge of American Intelligence,” 1947 was a very bad year for America as a new intelligence agency was created with the birth of the CIA, now purged of all pro-FDR influences who had formerly dominated the OSS. National Security Council paper 75 (NSC-75) was drafted calling for America to defend the possessions of the British Empire under the new Cold War operating system, leading to a new era of Anglo-American assassinations, wars and regime change….
Escott Reid’s NATO Vision of 1947
In a memorandum called “The United States and the Soviet Union” written in August 1947, a highly influential Oxford Rhodes Scholar and radical promoter of global governance named Escott Reid, then Deputy Undersecretary of External Affairs of Canada “recommended that the countries of the North Atlantic band together, under the leadership of the United States, to form ‘a new regional security organization’ to deter Soviet expansion.”
The motive for this memorandum was to escape the Soviet Union’s veto power in the U.N. Security Council, which prevented the British Great Game from moving forward. The goal was to establish an instrument powerful enough to bring about an Anglo-American Empire as desired by Cecil Rhodes and Winston Churchill and which the League of Nations failed to accomplish.
Escott Reid extrapolated upon his thesis for the creation of such an institution at an August 13, 1947 Canadian Institute of Public Affairs (2) Conference at Lake Couchiching when he stated:
“The states of the Western world are not…debarred by the Charter of the United Nations or by Soviet membership in the United Nations from creating new international political institutions to maintain peace. Nothing in the Charter precludes the existence of regional political arrangements or agencies provided that they are consistent with the Purposes and Principles of the United Nations, and these regional agencies are entitled to take measures of collective self-defence against armed attack until the Security Council has acted.”
This new anti-Soviet military organization would have the important feature of creating a binding military contract that would go into effect for all members should any individual member go to war. Reid described this intention as he wrote:
“In such an organization each member state could accept a binding obligation to pool the whole of its economic and military resources with those of the other members if any power should be found to have committed aggression against any one of the members.”
It was another year and a half before this structure gained the full support of External Affairs Minister Lester B. Pearson, and British Prime Minister Clement Atlee. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) would be formed on April 4, 1949 with its headquarters on 13 Belgrave Square in London….
Reid himself was the founder of the self-professed “Canadian Fabian Society” alongside four other Rhodes scholars known as the eugenics-promoting technocratic League of Social Reconstruction (LSR) in 1932, whose name changed to the Cooperative Commonwealth Federation (CCF) in 1933 and again later to the National Democratic Party (NDP) in 1961 (3).
Reid spent years working closely with fellow Oxford Massey Scholar Lester B. Pearson,who himself was Vincent Massey’s assistant in London before becoming a controller of the Liberal Party of Canada.
The Racist Agenda Behind the Rhodes Trust
It is vital to remind ourselves that these networks were driven by the design outlined by genocidal diamond magnate Cecil Rhodes, who wrote the purpose for the Scholarship that was to receive his name in his First Will (1877):
“Why should we not form a secret society with but one object – the furtherance of the British Empire and the bringing of the whole uncivilised world under British rule for the recovery of the United States for the making the Anglo-Saxon race but one Empire…”
Later in that will, Rhodes elaborated in greater detail upon the intention which was soon to become official British foreign policy.
“The extension of British rule throughout the world, the perfecting of a system of emigration from the United Kingdom and of colonization by British subjects of all lands wherein the means of livelihood are attainable by energy, labor and enterprise, and especially the occupation by British settlers of the entire continent of Africa, the Holy land, the valley of Euphrates, the islands of Cyprus and Candia, the whole of South America, the Islands of the Pacific not heretofore possessed by Great Britain, the whole of the Malay archipelago, the seaboard of China and Japan, the ultimate recovery of the United States of America as an integral part of the British empire. The consolidation of the whole empire, the inauguration of a system of colonial representation in the Imperial parliament which may tend to weld together the disjointed members of the empire”
The “recovery of the United States” should seriously resonate with anyone with doubts over the role of the British Empire’s ambition to undo the international effects of the American Revolution and should also cause honest citizens to reconsider what nationalist Presidents like John F. Kennedy and Charles de Gaulle were actually struggling against when they stood up to the power structures of NATO and the Deep State.This should be kept in mind as one thinks of the British-steered networksthat ran the assassinations of Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King in 1968,as well as the attempted Russia-Gating of Donald Trump in our modern day.”
Added: Bankers took charge: “[New Fed Chairman] Volcker managed this controlled disintegration [of the economy] by raising interest rates to 20-21.5% beginning in 1979- leaving them there until 1982….The effect forever crippled America’s economy.”
8/12/19, “How the Trilateral Commission Drove a Bankers’ Coup Across America,” Matthew Ehret, Strategic Culture
“Under [Pres. Jimmy] Carter’s reign, an organization which grew out of the combined influence of the Council on Foreign Relations and Bilderberg Group took over America under the name of the Trilateral Commission which overturned the last remnants of anti-imperial impulses left over from the vision provided by Presidents Franklin Roosevelt and John Kennedy, converting America into the self-destructive basket case we have come to know it as today….
A leading figure in the Trilateral Commission who later became Carter’s National Security Advisor was named Zbigniew Brzezinski who referred to this agenda as the “Technetronic era” which he described in 1970 as an age involving “the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values."
Who would these specialists represent? In his Between Two Ages, Brzezinski made it very clear: “The nation-state as a fundamental unit of man’s organized life has ceased to be the principal creative force: International banks and multi-national corporations are acting and planning in terms that are far in advance of the political concepts of the nation-state”…
Under Brzezinski’s leadership one third of the Trilateral Commission’s members were appointed to top cabinet posts under Carter. Notable members here worth mentioning include Walter Mondale (Vice President), Harold Brown (Defense Secretary), Cyrus Vance (Secretary of State), Michael Blumenthal (Treasury Secretary), James Schlesinger (Energy Czar), Paul Volcker (Fed Chairman). Just to get across the British pedigree of this group, Brzezinski and Blumenthal were not only Bilderberg members, but 2 of the 9 directors of the Council on Foreign Relations Project for the 1980s. The CFR is the Cecil Rhodes/Roundtable Group that set up in America in 1921 to advance Rhodes’ mandate to recapture America as the lost colony and re-establish a new British Empire.
In 1975, Brzezinski’s assistant Samuel P. Huntington authored a book called Crisis of Democracy as part of the Council on Foreign Relations 1980s Project that published 33 books by 10 Task Forces in order to usher in the Technetronic era.
Huntington said “we have come to recognize that there are potentially desirable limits to economic growth. There are also potentially desirable limits to the indefinite extension of democracy… a government which lacks authority will have little ability to impose on its people the sacrifices which will be necessary.”
Huntington and Brzezinski conducted a foreign affairs reform that began funding radical Islamic schools and political movements beginning with the USAID-led overthrow of the Shah of Iran and the installation of the Ayatollah Khomeini in 1979. The US funding of Al Qaeda and the Mujahedeen was nominally done for the pragmatic reason of countering the Soviets in Afghanistan, however the real reason was to justify a “Clash of Civilizations” thesis that Huntington later published under the presumption that the major religions could have no peace unless a global Leviathan were created to impose order from above....
It is here noteworthy that the Shah, along with many leaders of the Non-Aligned movement were then engaged in a major struggle to break free of the neo-colonial debt-slavery structure under Anglo-American control by using their inalienable sovereign powers to cancel the unpayable debts while unleashing investments into scientific and technological progress using the post WWII “Japan-model”. Japan’s inspiring post-WWII leap from feudalism to an advanced scientific-industrial economy made its membership in the Trilateral Commission that much more important in the minds of the new Olympian gods who feared other developing nations would follow suit.
The Controlled Disintegration of the West
Two months after being appointed Federal Reserve Chairman, Paul Volcker gave a lecture in Warwick University London proclaiming “a controlled disintegration in the world economy is a legitimate object for the 1980s.”
Volcker managed this controlled disintegration by raising interest rates to 20-21.5% beginning in 1979- leaving them there until 1982 while also raising reserve requirements for Commercial banks. The effect forever crippled America’s economy with agricultural production collapsing vastly, metal-cutting machine tools collapsed by 45.5%, automobile production collapsed by 44.3% and steel production collapsed by 49.4%. During this traumatic period, small and medium enterprises were intentionally bankrupted across all sectors of the North American and European economies leaving only multinational corporations in a position to afford such interest rates….
In June 1982, Reagan’s Westminster Palace speech officially inaugurated the NED and by November 1983, the National Endowment for Democracy Act was passed bringing this new covert organization into reality with $31 million of funding under four subsidiary organizations (AFL-CIO Free Trade Union Institute, The US Chamber of Commerce’s Center for International Private Enterprise, the International Republican Institute and the International Democratic Institute) (2).
Throughout the 1980s, this organization went to work managing Iran-Contra, destabilizing Soviet states and unleashing the first “official” modern color revolution in the form of the Yellow revolution that ousted Philippine president Ferdinand Marcos. Speaking more candidly than usual, NED President David Ignatius said in 1991“a lot of what we do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA.”
With the collapse of the Soviet Union, the NED was instrumental in bringing former Warsaw Pact nations into NATO/WTO system and the New World Order was announced by Bush Sr. and Kissinger– both of whom were rewarded with knighthoods for their service to the Crown in 1992 and 1995 respectively.”…
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