Monday, April 6, 2020

Virus crisis isn’t just about a virus and lack of medical cure; it’s systemic: the social, political and economic order of US is institutionally and culturally unable to mobilize. The occasional neoliberal billionaire on a white horse isn’t the answer and shouldn’t be praised-Moon of Alabama commenter Prof K

4/5/20, “The MoA Week In Review – Open Thread 2020-27,“ Moon of Alabama 

This makes sense. 

“Bill Gates is setting up factories to manufacture 7 leading vaccine candidates before we know which is best & safest; we can test the vaccines in parallel, and then throw away all but the factory for the best vaccine. May save many months. 

Just extraordinary.””…

Among comments

Commenter Prof K 

The crisis is not just about a virus and the lack of a medical cure; it is systemic: the social, political and economic order of America is institutionally and culturally unable to mobilize for virus prevention and suppression. 

It literally takes a peoples’ war. China wasn’t lying. 

And the billionaire [so-called] philanthropists [such as Bill Gates] actually don’t want us to think and act that way. Don’t praise them. They want us to return to the old normal of grotesque neoliberal capitalism that made them rich beyond words. 

Living in a quiet Boston suburb, I can see this clearly. The poor are still going out to work, dying, or suffering at home. The rich are off to the Cape, having food deliveries from uninsured, precarious workers, and have no concept of a collective effort as they continue to work for themselves from home. 

There is no peak coming soon any time soon. 

Posted by: Prof K | Apr 5 2020 14:55 utc | 1″


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