Thursday, August 29, 2013

Wow. One min. video of UK rejection of Syria bombing. PM Cameron agrees not to use 'Royal Prerogative', UK version of US Exec. Order, says: 'The British Parliament reflecting the views of the British people' does not want British military action, 'I get that and the gov. will act accordingly.'

8/29/13,"UK Rejects Military Attack On Syria - British PM David Cameron Loses Commons Vote," YouTube, S. Duclos

UK Prime Minister David Cameron:

"I also believe in respecting the will of this House of Commons. It is very clear's clear to me that the British Parliament reflecting the views of the British people does not want to see British military action. I get that, and the government will act accordingly."


"U.K. Prime Minister Cameron loses war votes on Syria. British MPs have voted to reject military action against the Assad regime in Syria to deter the use of chemical weapons.

A government motion was defeated 285 to 272, a majority of 13 votes.

The White House has responded to Cameron's failure to obtain permission by indicating that it is willing to act alone." S. Duclos


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