Monday, June 3, 2013

Update: She joined Occupy too. Wife of former IRS chief campaigned for Obama, questioned Romney's taxes-Breitbart

6/2/13, "Occupy IRS: Wife of Former IRS Commissioner Joined Occupy Wall Street," Breitbart, Kerry Pickett


6/2/13, "Wife of Former IRS Chief Campaigned for Obama, Questioned Romney's Taxes," Breitbart, Kerry Pickett

Like so many things, it was George Bush's fault. On his way out the door Bush appointed this guy Doug Shulman, a Wall St. insider, democrat donor, and now we find married to a democrat activist with particular interest in Romney's taxes. If the left hasn't already figured it out, George Bush was on their side:

Douglas Shulman was appointed IRS Commissioner by George Bush in March 2008. "Shulman's term as head of the IRS ended at the end of last year (2012) and he was appointed by President Bush. But Obama has yet to announce a replacement."

5/13/13, "Douglas Shulman,"

"Federal Election Commission records show Shulman donated $500 to the Democratic National Committee in 2004 while working as an executive at NASD."

"As IRS Commissioner Shulman works under the supervision of Treasury Secretary Geithner." via Free Republic


5/11/13, "Why the IRS Abruptly Apologized to the Tea Party," Atlantic Wire, Connor Simpson


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