Thursday, June 6, 2013

Supposed GOP contender Erika Harold in Illinois 13th district is either a liar or incompetent and knows absolutely nothing about Obama and the radical left view of the US

6/5/13, "Ex-Miss America Erika Harold's campaign plan," Politico, Kopan

"For the former Miss America who just jumped into the race for Illinois’s 13th Congressional District, the Republican primary might be, well, a bit like a beauty pageant. She calls her opponent, an incumbent freshman, a “good person,” insists there’s no need for attacks, and says let the judges, no, make that the voters, decide.

“I view this primary process as being very healthful to the party because we will be able throughout the campaign to debate the issues that are important to the party,” newly declared candidate Erika Harold told POLITICO, referring to her challenge of Rep. Rodney Davis in the GOP primary....

Harold, 33 and single, is a Harvard-educated attorney, a born-and-bred local and was a delegate to the 2004 Republican National Convention. She won the Miss America crown in 2003.

Harold, who announced her bid to take on Davis on Tuesday, says she has no problem with the attention on her pageant past. In fact, she says, it’s one of the things that make her qualified to serve in Congress.

And while Harold has problems with Obamacare, she has plenty of nice things to say about its creator. In her health law practice, Harold said, she’s seen first hand businesses that are unable to deal with some the new health care measures....

While health care reform is needed, she said, “the Obamacare act exacerbated some of the worst parts of our health care system.”

But as for Obama himself, Harold says she’s got some things in common with the president iin addition to their Illinois residency.

“One of the things that people who make the comparison often say is that he and I both have an optimistic view of the country and people’s capacity to effect change, and I think that we do share that in common,” Harold said. “I know that he has a background in organizing communities to affect issues, and I think that’s a very empowering way to organize people. And I think that sense of optimism is something people hopefully find appealing. And I also admire the fact that he seems like he’s a great father and I’ve found it heartwarming to see pictures of his daughters growing up.They’re great representatives of their generation.”

Born and raised in Urbana, Ill., Harold graduated Phi Beta Kappa from the University of Illinois and was accepted to Harvard Law School, but she said there was one problem: funds.
“After I was accepted to law school and I saw how much I would have to pay, I realized I didn’t have any of it, and so I decided to enter Miss America,” Harold told POLITICO.

And she won in 2003, singing opera for her talent. As Miss America, Harold focused her platform on combating bullying and violence in schools, as well as advocating abstinence from sex, drugs and alcohol.

Winning the competition gave her the scholarship money to “graduate debt-free” from Harvard Law School and work in communities across the country, an experience she holds as invaluable....

Harold said she was partly motivated to enter the contest knowing that Davis was elected without going through a primary; Davis was named by party officials when former Rep. Tim Johnson bowed out of the race after winning the primary.

And if her campaign is successful, her priority in Congress will be economic growth. “I think that the issue of the economy manifests itself in many different ways in many different people’s lives,” she said. “So I’ll be focusing on the economy, because I think one of the founding principles of the Republican Party is that when you can empower people to make choices for themselves, that is the best scenario.”"


Ed. note: This lady is Boehner's kind of Republican. She thinks Obama is great and offers no distinct reason to vote for a Republican over a democrat. She says Obama "has an optimistic view of the country." This couldn't be further from the truth. From day one Obama has made clear his intention to fundamentally transform this country. In 2010 he turned America over for criticism to a UN committee filled with thugs and terrorists. The US sat humbly still for hundreds of criticisms from our superiors such as Iran, Cuba, and Venezuela. He constantly criticizes Americans in public venues, going so far while on Mexican soil recently to say Americans were responsible for guns in Mexico that caused much of the killing, hence we are mass murders.

The audience cheered.
He heavily promoted the idea that the US originated a video criticizing Islam, that it was the cause of violence and death in Benghazi. He ran paid announcements on Middle East television saying he couldn't help that America did such videos, the American system allowed it. Very few people even knew about the video until Obama publicized and lied about it. The only possible outcome of his tv campaign was to incite further hatred of the US, to cause mass rioting, deaths, and destruction of property.


9/23/2009, “The UN loves Barack Obama because he is weak,” UK Telegraph, Nile Gardiner

“It is not hard to see why a standing ovation awaits Barack Obama when he addresses the United Nations General Assembly.…
Obama’s clear lack of interest in human rights issues is a big seller at the UN, where

  • at least half its members have poor human rights records."...

3/18/11, Obama Yields to UN on US ‘Human Rights’ Abuses,” AP, Geneva

In 2010, Obama formally submitted the US for the first time ever for judgement by dictators and terrorists at the UN’s so-called “Human Rights Council.” Thugs and criminals lectured the US about hundreds of ways in which we must improve our human rights. Obama is the first US president to submit the US for this public lashing. US taxpayers humbly pay most of the expenses for unelected, unaccountable parasites at the UN but that's not enough. Obama gleefully delivered us to be smacked around by psychotic animals such as Iran, Cuba, and Venezuela.


5/3/13, Obama blames US for gun violence in Mexico, wags his finger, audience in Mexico City cheers (:06), doesn't mention his own Mexican gun running program, Fast and Furious

5/3/13, Obama blames American guns for Mexican deaths: ‘Most of the guns used to commit violence here in Mexico come from the United States’, UK Daily Mail, Martosko

"Obama also did not mention the more than 2,000 firearms that his Department of Justice ‘walked’ across the Mexican border as part of Operation Fast and Furious, a federal law enforcement project that aimed to track weapons to drug traffickers.

Those guns have been connected to the deaths of at least 300 Mexican citizens. And U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry died in December 2010 when a so-called ‘Fast and Furious gun’ was recovered at the scene of his murder during a routine patrol in Arizona."...

5/3/13, "Obama: Americans 'Are Root Cause of Violence That's Been Happening Here in Mexico'," CNS News, Lucas

9/19/11, "How Obama’s destabilizing the world," Nick Turse,

"Garrisoning the planet is just part of it."


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