Perhaps if the universities took a novel approach... establish their primary purpose to teach students instead of to churn out "research papers" about the decision making exhibited by dead fruit flies, you'd see more productive and ethical behaviors. Many of today's universities have become institutions where the fundamental goal is the quest for money... and therein lies the root of the ethical lapses.

Mind you, there's nothing wrong with pursuing money but the distortion of focus and purpose amongst a group of people who, first and foremost, are supposed to be TEACHING, is corrosive.

If they're going to stay in the money-as-a-purpose business, then they're going to have to step up their ethics programs, and resolve to continue to see plagiarism and research falsification to continue to flourish. One brings the other."
"Marilyn Hunt · Top Commenter

Lack of ethics and morals drive the dishonest. Especially dangerous is the funding for predetermined results in medical and energy research. a new term Fracademic has been coined to cover these guys. $cience."