Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Pathetic US Sec. of State says Israel is cause of all problems in the world, says 'world leaders' tell him so

6/3/13, "Kerry Pushes Linkage: Failure of Israel to Make Peace Fuels Extremism Around the World,"
Washington Free Beacon
"Kerry to AJC: World leaders bring up peace process 'everywhere I go'"

"Kerry’s statement alludes tolong held misconception among liberal policymakers that the stagnant peace process is a principal motivation for terrorists and rogue states like Iran....

World leaders “literally” discuss the issue in every meeting Kerry has, he told a largely Jewish audience.

Everywhere I go – literally – China, Japan, foreign ministers, presidents raise this issue,” Kerry said. “Young people ask me about this conflict and what they can do to help end it.”

“In the last couple of weeks I had visits here from the foreign minister of Brazil and the foreign minister of New Zealand and the first thing out of their mouth was how can we help on the Middle East peace process,” Kerry continued. I asked them where is that coming from?”

You’re over in New Zealand and this is the first thing on your mind?” Kerry recalled. “They said, ‘Yes, because it affects all of the recruitment and all of the arguments and radicalism that we face and they see the prospects and possibilities.’” via Lucianne


Comment: This is Bush's fault too. It's the entire GOP's fault. They treated this country like garbage which is why we have what we have today. Democrats will be democrats, that's no surprise. The problem is the GOP has no desire to be an alternative to Democrats.


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