Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Next spin on man-caused global warming will be they admit it stopped warming 15+ yrs. ago, but now say it's great because it gives us a chance to work harder and get a treaty-Rush Limbaugh

6/5/13, "The New Global Warming Spin in Europe" Rush Limbaugh transcript, 'Quick hits'

Rush: "Climate, global warming.  We were in many places on our trip, but one of places we were was in Europe, and I was looking at the foreign press while in Europe.  And they're big on this whole global warming.  Everybody drives these tiny little smart cars and putt-putts and so forth because the roads are very small.

Anyway, I picked up on something that gives me a clue where the global warming activists are headed next. In Europe, they are saying that the reality, that there hasn't been any warming in 15 years has given us a second chance to get it right.  So rather than accept at face value what it means, that their models were wrong, there hasn't been any global warming, there isn't any global warming, there isn't any manmade climate change, what instead they're sticking with is, of course there's manmade global warming, of course there's climate change.  Something unexplained has happened in the last 15 years that's resulted in the temperature staying the same, and that's a godsend, gives us a second chance to get it right.  And they're gonna make another

full-speed-ahead push for more environmental legislation, carbon tax kind of proposals.

They've decided politically this is the way to go.  They've been given a second chance.  Keep a sharp eye, folks. I don't know if it's already surfaced in this country yet.  If it hasn't, it will.  The Algores of the world and whoever else, environmentalist wacko groups talking about this 15-year weird period where it didn't get any warmer when it was supposed to because our models said so, second chance.  Second chance to stave off the disaster we thought would already have befallen us."


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