Wednesday, June 5, 2013

'Liberal interventionists' Rice and Power appointed by Obama-BBC

6/5/13, "Obama shuffles foreign policy team," BBC, Paul Adams, Washington

(inset): "How the appointment of two liberal interventionists changes the debate about what the US could or should be doing in Syria is harder to gauge.

Samantha Power has a long history of the study of genocide. Susan Rice is said to have been in the forefront of those arguing for intervention in Libya.

But as the Benghazi "talking points" episode demonstrated, the UN ambassador does pretty much what she or he is told. Ms Power won't be able to get out in front of US policy, even if she wants to. Ms Rice will be in a more critical position.

It would be unwise to expect a sudden change on Syria, but frustrated advocates of intervention will be hoping for a shift."


Ed. note: What's the difference between "liberal interventionists" (per BBC above) and neo-cons? If neo-cons are a disaster (which they are) why are "liberal interventionists" on top today?


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