Tuesday, June 11, 2013

John Boehner's positive words on amnesty bill are "music to Harry Reid's ears"-Politico

6/11/13, "Boehner added that reforming the nation's immigration system was his top legislative priority this year." Reuters

6/11/13, "John Boehner: ‘Open’ House on immigration," Politico, Jake Sherman

"Speaker John Boehner gave a deeper peek into his thinking on immigration reform, telling ABC’s George Stephanopoulos in an interview that aired on Tuesday that it is his job as speaker to “ensure that all members on both sides have a fair shot at their ideas.”

Appearing on “Good Morning America,” the Ohio Republican said that many thorny decisions about immigration reform will be made on the House floor. He said he has allowed the House to work its will “more than any speaker in modern history, to the point where there are some bills that have passed — with a majority of Democrats — in favor, and a minority of Republicans.”...

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) seized on the comments Tuesday, saying the comments were “music” to his “ears.

“That he will need Democratic votes says a lot about the atmosphere in the House that its news for the speaker to acknowledge bipartisanship,” he said. “The truth is the speaker needs Democratic votes to pass any bill that has a chance of becoming law.”

Boehner also signaled that there will be new immigration laws in place by the end of 2013.

“I think by the end of the year, we could have a bill,” he said." via Free Republic


Comment: Boehner desperately wants democrats to stay in charge. His number one priority is praising Obama and doing what Obama wants. Obama helped Boehner defeat the Tea Party which saved Boehner's life and made him king. In Nov. 2012 Boehner had no worry about being re-elected. He ran unopposed. 


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