Thursday, June 6, 2013

Americans are governed today by '2.8 million unelected and inaccessible bureaucrats'-Aspen Times op-ed

6/5/13, "Sturm: Tyranny of bureaucracy," Aspen Times, Melanie Sturm, op-ed

"In his 1980s comedy routine, Yakov Smirnoff celebrated America’s free society and equality before the law, joking, “In America, you can always find a party. In Russia, party always finds you! In America, you break law. In Soviet Russia, law breaks you!” 

In the wake of scandals involving the abuse of governmental power, Americans must Think Again about Smirnoff’s ironic wordplays. As we’re learning, the ruling party can find and break you — despite constitutional protections. 

Today, our federal government is the nation’s largest spender, debtor, lender, employer, contractor, property owner, insurer, health care provider and pension guarantor. What it doesn’t directly control its unchecked bureaucracy can ban or mandate. Moreover, the Justice Department’s wiretapping of journalists and the demotion of Benghazi whistleblower Gregory Hicks at the State Department have impeded the media’s ability to assure a free flow of information between the people and our government. Even New York Times reporters aren’t getting calls returned....

As law professor Jonathan Turley described in an eye-opening Washington Post op-ed, the administrative state has grown so powerful and independent, it constitutes a fourth branch of government whose impact on citizens’ lives is larger than the other three branches combined. Composed of 15 departments, 452 agencies and 2.8 million unelected and inaccessible bureaucrats, it’s less transparent and more unaccountable than other branches."...via Lucianne


Ed. note: This has happened gradually over a period of years with the consent of congress. The GOP would approve of this because it honestly believes we the people should have no say in our government. Instead of laws today we have mostly regulations which are the same as laws but are enacted without our knowledge.


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