Sunday, February 3, 2013

Immigration reform fulfills Cloward and Piven 'massive drive to recruit the poor onto US welfare rolls' and overwhelm municipal resources

2/2/13, "Cloward and Piven, immigration reform & ‘nothing left to lose’," Frank Miele,

"Let’s face it, whether you are talking about immigration reform by George W. Bush, immigration reform by John McCain, immigration reform by Barack Obama, or immigration reform by Marco Rubio, all you get is the same old “nothing left to lose.” And maybe, at long last, they are right — maybe we have sunk so low, there is nothing left to fight for.

I envision Sen. Rubio singing this new version of the old song, tweaking the lyrics just a bit, so that he can end up with “You know feeling good was good enough for me and you all/Good enough for me and my Bobby Jindal.”...

Heck, we’ve been told over and over by the national media and the political establishment that illegal immigration can’t be solved. So it’s no wonder that Republicans start to believe there’s “nothing left to lose” if they just give up and go along with 

Democratic plans to convert criminal intruders into legal voters. After all, the logic goes, Hispanics and other minority voters already hate Republicans, so maybe they will like them better if they abandon their core principles and sell out to expediency.Yeah, that’s the ticket....

Adapting the philosophy of jiu-jitsu — where you use your enemy’s strength to defeat him — Cloward and Piven proposed taking advantage of the spirit of American generosity to crash our economy. The idea was to create an ever-growing demand for social services (“free stuff,” as Mitt Romney injudiciously but accurately called it) until the money ran out and the suddenly re-impoverished lower classes rebelled and demanded a new system of government that would “equitably” distribute the nations’ wealth in a Marxist utopian pipe dream.

Cloward and Piven foresaw that a “massive drive to recruit the poor ONTO the welfare rolls” would challenge the resources of even a wealthy nation like the United States, leading to “a profound financial and political crisis.”

That crisis is here now, and has been for at least 10 years. It goes under a number of names — most recently the “debt ceiling crisis” — but most importantly it is a crisis which can only be worsened by inviting anywhere from 11 million to 30 million illegal immigrants into an already unsustainable system. Don’t be fooled by “feel good” rhetoric about the “American dream” or about “a nation of immigrants” — what we are talking about is hastening the pending collapse of America in the name of “social justice.”

Forget about “immigration reform.” This fight has nothing to do with immigration, and it has nothing to do with reform. Virtually everyone is for immigration — if it is done legally and with reason. We still welcome everyone who can help our country become stronger — those who pledge their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor to protect and defend liberty and the Constitution of the United States of America.

But that’s not what Marco Rubio is talking about. That’s not what President Obama is talking about."...via Lucianne


Ed. note: Someone suggested part of the new immigration law should be that new immigrants can't vote for their first 25 years. They could have everything else, all the free services, medical care
and the like, but just couldn't vote. Who could possibly object to that?


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