Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Senator Ted Cruz emails thanks to Sarah Palin PAC list

1/8/13, "Ted Cruz emails thanks to Sarah Palin PAC list," Politico, K. Cirilli

"Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) thanked his Sarah Palin fans for their help in getting the newly elected tea party favorite into office.

In a message through Palin’s PAC on Tuesday, Cruz wrote: “We started out as underdogs in a long, competitive primary. But despite the odds being stacked against us, Governor Palin and SarahPAC showed daring leadership by endorsing my campaign. 

The Governor’s vision and the support of patriots like you helped transform my long-shot candidacy into victory on election night.”

In July, the former Alaska governor made her first 2012 campaign stop and rallied for Cruz.

The only real solution to Big Government waste and fraud is sudden and relentless reform, and Ted will fight for that,” the 2008 GOP vice presidential candidate said at the time. “But he needs your help, he needs your support, he needs your vote.”"...via Free Republic

Sarah and Todd Palin campaigning for Ted Cruz in Texas, 2012. via Free Republic commenter


Ed. note: The political class (both Repub. and Dem.) will go ballistic over this. I know that because this post was defaced by a hacker. The white spaces you see in the background of this post were put there by a hacker. Certain topics cause the hacker to go off the deep end and of course Sarah Palin is one.

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