Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Eurozone unemployment reaches all time high in Nov. 2012, 'makes it hard for govs. to collect taxes they need,' BBC

1/8/13, "Eurozone unemployment reaches new high," BBC

"The unemployment rate across the eurozone hit a new all-time high of 11.8% in November, official figures have shown.

This is a slight rise on 11.7% for the 17-nation region in October. The rate for the European Union as a whole in November was unchanged at 10.7%.

Spain, which is mired in deep recession, again recorded the highest unemployment rate, coming in at 26.6%.

More than 26 million people are now unemployed across the EU.

For the eurozone, the number of people without work reached 18.8 million said Eurostat, the official European statistics agency said....

"The general trend however remains upwards and it makes it even harder for the governments concerned to collect the taxes they need to stabilise their debts.""...


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