Sunday, January 13, 2013

Establishment GOP to achieve long sought addition of 20 million new democrat voters via citizenship for illegal aliens, Obama will pass what George Bush was thwarted in doing, permanently silencing the Silent Majority

1/13/13, "Obama Will Seek Citizenship Path in One Fast Push (for most illegal aliens)" NY Times, Preston

commenter to this article from Free Republic:

"The republicans are so upset they lost the hispanic vote, they are going to create 20 million new democrat voters to correct the problem.

The republicans are one mess of sorry sons of bitches. They will lose the Congress over this, and never win again. 

Absolute insane fools.

Why should anyone obey any laws when 20 million non citizen criminals are about to be handed America?
31 posted on Saturday, January 12, 2013 10:38:58 PM by Andrei Bulba (No Obama, no way!)"

The only thing the GOP cares about is permanently silencing those of us who've played by the rules. Flooding the country with democrats will accomplish this. Obama will deliver for the GOP/Bush crowd:
6/15/07, "Senate Leaders Agree to Revive Immigration Bill," NY Times," R. Pear, J. Zeleny
"The Republican whip, Trent Lott of Mississippi, who supports the (immigration) bill, said:
At some point, Mr. Lott said, Senate Republican leaders may  

try to rein in 

“younger guys who are huffing and puffing against the (immigration) bill.”"... 


11/20/10, "Revolutionary Do-Over," Wall St. Journal, John Fund

Former GOP Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott, now a big-time Washington lobbyist, has already told the Washington Post that  

it's imperative for his tribe to "co-opt" 

the tea partiers arriving in D.C."...


11/4/10, "Ruling Class GOP declare war on country class conservatives, " Rush Limbaugh transcript.


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